Chapter 28 - Do we want to know the gender?

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Everyone is in the living room watching TV. Ben is sitting on the floor, Will is on the comfy armchair, and Debbie, Tom and I are on the sofa. I am lying on my back, my legs hanging over the armrest, my head resting on Tom's laps. His hand is stroking my baby bump and I can't explain it, but I feel like a princess with him since I got pregnant and he became even cuter (if that's even possible!)

"Mum, could you bring some school supplies? I need a few things for Thursday." Ben asks during the commercial break.

"For Thursday? Ben, I went to the groceries store yesterday! You could have told me that earlier!" says Debbie

"I’ll be in town tomorrow if you need Debbie, I could drop by the store."

"That’d be really nice of you sweetie. Is it tomorrow that you have your ultrasound?"


"Do you think you’ll finally found out the gender?" Asked Will

"We might found out tomorrow yes, depending on the position of the baby."

"Let’s bet!" Said Will. Ben bet for a boy, Will wanted a boy but felt it would be a girl, Debbie wanted a girl since she never had a baby girl, and me, depending on the day, my mind changed. I didn’t care for the gender, but sometimes, I was sure I was having a girl, and the next day I was so sure we were having a boy.

"What about you Tom?"

"I don’t know. Actually I’m thinking that it would be nice to keep the gender a surprise, what do you think?" Tom says

"Mmmh… not that fond of that idea actually" I tell him 


"Well, first I’m way too curious. Secondly, I think we’ll have enough surprises like that already and you know how I hate surprises. Thirdly, it would be nice to plan everything (not that I’ll buy blue stuff for boy or pink for a girl), but still it’s easier." I say

"But imagine yourself in the delivery room. With the nurse saying “congratulation, it’s a boy, or it’s a girl”. That would be such a great gift"

"And fourthly, it’s my body, I want to know. No uterus, no opinion!" I continue

"Come on!"

"No I’m telling you! You don’t want to know, good for you if you can keep that until the birth, I’m sure that would be a great surprise. But I’m telling you, I really really really want to know."

"Would you be able to keep it for yourself if you know and I don’t want to know?" Tom proposes

"Oooh, but that’s stupid!" I say, definitely not too fond of keeping the gender a secret

"Would you do that for me?"

"I guess… I can try yeah"

I surely didn't like the position I was now in because for once, Tom had the last word. I knew the baby's gender but I coudn't share it with him. Obviously, that was killing me! I hate secrets, I'm not good at keeping them. But I knew how important this was for Tom, that's why I agreed not to tell him anything. But once in a while, it wasn't just killing me, it was seriously annoying me because I was always scared to drop the bomb. I couldn't talk without having to think about the words I was using. And with the hormones and everything, I was a lot more sensitive, so we were arguying quite a lot with Tom. I mean, we were already the kind of couple who argue a lot, that's how we worked, I suppose. But we never fought in public though, because we know how uncomfortable it can get for the others. 

"What do you think about the name Luke or Lukas?" asks Tom, flipping through a name's book. 

"I’ve told you already. I am not wasting my time trying to find names!"

"But come on, we know it’s Chloe for a girl, but we don’t have a middle name. And for boys we have nothing!" We did agree right from the beginning that if we were having a daughter, she would be called Chloe. Before I found out I was already pregnant, Tom had a dream that really affected him deeply where we our a baby girl called Chloe. He talked a lot about that dream, how it felt so real. And a few days after that, we found out I was pregnant, and the name just sticked because we joked that it might have been a premonitory dream. 

"But if we talk about girls name, you’ll think we are having a girl and vice versa" I say to him

"But we have to talk about both!"

"Tom, you’re annoying!"

"I am annoying? AM I? You’re the one who don’t want to waste your time finding baby’s names. We’ll just have to discuss both genders, that is that easy."


"Is it because of your stupid hormones or you really are doing everything in your possession to drive me crazy?"

"Say that again!" I spat

'No I won’t because I know it was stupid, but still, what you are telling me is not making any sense"

"I can’t believe you’ve said that! This is so mean! I know it might be stupid not to want to talk about names, because we can still do it for both sexes. But it’s always like that! We are talking about the baby, and it just goes nowhere because I can’t say all of what I would like to say and it’s fucking annoying!"

"Fine! Then tell me!" he says

"Tell you what?"

"Tell me the gender if it’s that fucking annoying as you say! If that can make us talk about all the things we have to agree on!"

"I’m not telling you!"

"WHAT? You’ve been arguing with me for days because I don’t want to know. Now, I’m telling you I want to know, and you are still arguing!"

"But that’s because you don’t really want to know!!"

"I don’t care! Just tell me"

"I’m just not telling you. End of the discussion!" I say leaving the room

"You’re fucking insane Val!" Tom yells from his bedroom.

"Fine! Don’t talk to me anymore then!" I screamed going down the stairs

"Are you both gonna shut up? I’m trying to sleep, I have school tomorrow!" Will yells from his bedroom

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