⋆ Chapter 2 ⋆

Start from the beginning

"Fine can you give me the shirt?"

"Oh sure... I wonder what soever made you change your mind." she responded with a mocking tone handing me the shirt.

"I don't exactly want to go around smelling like this or...looking like this so thanks." I answer grabbing the shirt and heading back in the direction of the bathroom.

As I did so I could hear her footsteps trail behind me.

"Are you new here?" She asked me as I walked into the stall to change my shirt. I could hear her pacing back and forth.

"No." I scoffed. " I've been here...up until..well now." I explained behind the stall door.

"Really?...Wow, I've never seen you around." she sounded surprised from what I could hear.

"So just because you've never seen someone around before you automatically think they're new?"

"No, I didn't mean it like that... I just mean-"

"You just meant that you've never seen me around before...I get it."

I stepped out of the stall now standing in front of her.

"I gotta say, that sure does look good on you." she says letting off a smile. I could tell that she was trying to lighten the mood. "I'm Nadia."

"Josie." I answer.

"Well Josie it's nice to meet you, and by the way, I'm not  calling you Josie." she says.

"What do you mean?"

"I like nicknames so Jose it is...for now at least."

"Well, I'm not big on nicknames so...I would prefer my actual name thanks..."

The same reason I have been asking my dad for years now since I became a teen to stop calling me kiddo but that never worked so I stopped asking him.

I walked out of the bathroom and was starting to head to lunch when I heard light footsteps following me once again.

"You don't like nicknames? I mean who doesn't like nicknam-""

"Me." I say as I turned to face her. "Look I have to go ask a question about a math problem before lunch, thanks for the shirt I'll wash it and give it back to you tomorrow."

"It's fine, you can keep it sorry about... the Frappuccino... I'm actually really pissed that I spilled that because I like really needed it and plus it's like my favorite dri-"

I shot her a quick smirk and turned to walk in the direction to lunch, no I did not have to go ask a question about math but I really wanted this encounter to be over... she talks...a lot.

When I got off the bus and as I reached the stairs to my shitty apartment, I felt that dreadful feeling again.

I couldn't help but to think about the times when I would come home from school and have a home-cooked meal and sit at the dining table with both parents  by my side.

Now I come home to nothing, I cook and I clean and I make sure my dad has eaten and not laid in bed all day in a depressive state.

You may ask why isn't my dad working, he's trying...I mean he has tried multiple times to get a job but you know how that goes.

He goes for the interview, tries his best to make the best impression, the interviewer lies and say they will get back in touch with him...but they just don't.

So sadly he has given up in a way when it comes to job searching, but I guess we're lucky enough we have at least something to live off of...as sadly as the circumstances may be.

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