Larxene vs Yoruichi Shihoin

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Kingdom Hearts vs Bleach


Both are female characters who do not exist in the human world (Larxene being a Nobody and Yoruichi being a Shinigami) with the power of the element lightning, and famous nicknames (Larxene the Savage Nymph and Yoruichi the Goddess of Flash)

Both are known to be the fastest characters in both series but with different behaviors

Both betray their groups at the beginning of their series for personal purposes (Larxene betrays her members to follow Marluxia in his quest to overthrow the Organization XIII in Re:Chain of Memories, while Yoruichi betrays the Gotei 13 by attacking the guards in the central 21 and leave the Soul Society to help Kisuke Urahara with his research in the world of the living)

Both also temporarily teach a battle basic to a main character to help them progress in their journey (Larxene teaches to Roxas how to use magic without his Keyblade in 358/2 Days and Yoruichi teaches Ichigo to how the Bankai works).

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