Goku Black vs Reverse Flash (GRANTED)

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Dragon ball Super vs DC Comics


Both are the evil counterparts of the main heroes (Goku and Barry Allen Flash respectively) that came from an different timeline but are also entirely different persons (Goku Black is Zamasu and and Reverse Flash is Eobard Thawne)

Both are capable of time travelling

Both love to kill and cause destruction

Both killed the mothers of the heroes (Black killed Future Bulma and Reverse Flash killed Nora Allen), who are also capable of time travel

Both also mocked the heroes for their failures (Black mocked Future Trunks for failing to defeat him and the deaths Black has caused and Reverse Flash mocked Barry for failing to save his mother despite having the ability to time travel)

Both also caused said heroes to seek reinforcement from the past that could potentially ruin the future (Future Trunks went to the past to ask help from Universe 7 and Barry Allen travelled back in time to save Nora which resulted in the Flashpoint Paradox event)

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