Tenya Iida vs A-Train

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My Hero Academia vs The Boys


Both are bespectacled speedsters that wear blue hero costumes with light color aspects and part of superpower associations (The Seven and UA High, respectively) that are known for the affiliations of American-themed blonde superheroes (Homelander and All Might, respectively)

Both have engineering machine themed codenames (Iida's codename, Ingenium, being a descendant of an engine whereas A-Train's codename is based on a train) 

Both have older brothers who helped improve with their speed training, and did methods to enhance their speeds that afterwards caused pain (Iida painfully ripped his mufflers from his calves in order to grow new ones while A-Train used and later abused the Compound V drug that consequently caused a heart attack)

Both were in pursues of superhero murderers that involved their superpower loved ones with dire consequences (Although A-Train is the one who killed his girlfriend Popclaw, he blamed and came after Hughie Campbell for his involvement with the blackmail on her to reveal about the Compound V drug, and Iida pursued the Hero Killer: Stain for defeating and consequently paralyzing his brother Tensei Iida thus ending his hero career)

Both also had intentions that led to their unheroic, self-destructive paths that involve murderous intents and near-death experiences resulting their heroic undoings. Additionally, both are role successors of previous speedsters (Tensei Iida the former Ingenium and Mister Marathon respectively)

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