Quietus: 30

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Vass sat in the cockpit of the Guardian with Yarla at her side, the ship was oddly quiet. Yarla thrummed her long strands of hair as Vass piloted through the stars. Vass' mind quickly turned like a wheel trying to process what happened. It happened all so fast.

Yarla kicked Vass' leg to get her attention as they almost hit an asteroid. "You almost killed us."

"It wasn't the first and it won't be the last time," muttered Vass, her grip tightening on the steering wheel.

Yarla shook her head. "That is fantastic. You doing better?"

"What do you think, Yarla?" retorted Vass.

Alta piped up, "Are we almost to Naboo?"

"Yeah, just a few more minutes," responded Vass.

Raeth inquired, "Is this for a meeting thing? Like meeting with other Commanders to review our strategies against the rebels."

Vass stiffened, "Sure."

Kulan darkly muttered from behind, "I doubt it."

"It's more about supplies being shipped to somewhere other than Batuu," clarified Krekor.

Raeth rolled his eyes. "And how do you know that, Krekor?"

"Because I listen to Vass and Sheb'ika,'' mumbled Krekor.

Yarla pinched her nose. "Strap in. We're entering the atmosphere."

Eventually, the Guardian entered the air traffic of Naboo with slight turbulence. So many ships of different shapes and sizes glided by as the Guardian was escorted by two TIE Fighters. Below pale teal domes lined the streets of Naboo, the pathways were filled with sentient beings. Light casted long arches of gold across the river that met from one side to the other of the capital, Theed.

Once the Guardian was approved to land, Vass steered the ship to the landing bay. Raeth was pressed against a window as he stared at the crowd in wonder. There was a rare Mandalorian loitering in the shadows, Torgrutas conversed with a few Zabraks and a Yuzzum around the stands, life hummed through streets. Yarla brought Raeth's attention back to the task at hand with a tap on his shoulder. Each of the stormtroopers filed to the backspace of the Guardian to the main door.

The entrance lowered down to reveal Sheb'ika sternly gazing at Vass with his Elite Squad Troopers lined up. It was strange to see them in civilian clothing, each wearing the standard Naboo fashion of cloth trousers, boots, and a variance of colored shirts. A blaster was slung to each member's hip.

Vass greeted Sheb'ika with a nod which he returned stiffly. Sheb'ika took a step back and placed his hands in his pockets to observe. He looked almost calm, even human, save for his dead eyes. His eye stare lingered on Kulan, but quickly skirted to Vass.

Clicking his tongue, Sheb'ika determined, "I was informed by Naval Captain Lonsle that we have down time in between missions. I suggest that we enjoy it while we can."

Krekor's stomach growled as Clinker questioned, "Can we get something to eat?"

"Follow me. I know a good restaurant that's out of the way," announced Vass while walking westward.

In the back of the squad, Dottie hung towards the rear with Kulan. They walked in silence for a few blocks, passing laughing children. Clean air pushed through their lungs, it was better than the must on the ship. Soon their strides were evenly matched as the rest of the troopers continued ahead.

Dottie cocked his head down to Kulan. "How are you holding up?"

"Why do you ask?" murmured Kulan, his eyes watching the rocky pathway.

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