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Credit to @two2_suns on Instagram.



Wandering through the streets of a long forgotten planet, Tels Eto clung to her wife's hand, Ceres Niav. The years treated her well as wrinkles formed around Ceres' wary eyes. Tels always says that she gave Ceres the crow's feet by making her laugh so much. Up ahead a gaggle of children sprinted around each other. Making up a group of six.

Wooden houses lined the street with patches of dirt in the dry grass, sheep chomped on the shrubs. Two vibrant suns were beginning to set in the west among the fluffy clouds. A strong earthy aroma wrapped with mint from the wild plants lingered in the air.

A tiny Wookie girl snatched Tels' open hand, Tels asked. "Emcucco. Where is Lunji and Yenn?"

Emucucco pointed to a Dathomirian Zabrack boy who was picking on a blue Nautolan boy and answered in Shyriiwook, "Lunji is messing with Yenn again. It gets old."

"Lunji never bothers me," bragged a Rodian girl.

Emucucco shot back in high pitched roars, "Felko, that's because you always play pilots with him."

"It's so much fun! I love the idea of being in space," Felko replied with a large grin.

Ceres called out, "Lunji leave your brother alone. Yenn did nothing to you."

Frank rolled by the two to break up the ensuing fight. Lunji and Yenn playfully ran after the squeaking droid. Then, a Togruta girl pursued Frank causing him to beep in true horror.

"What did Lehu do to poor Frank?" questioned Felko.

Tels clarified, "Every morning after Frank finishes charging Lehu likes to sneak up on him. Frank is just playing with her. Nothing and I mean nothing scares Frank."

"I'll prove that wrong one day," chimed in a Twi'lek boy, his eyes sharp.

Felko challenged, "I'd like to see that Uha."

Uha charged ahead with Felko on his heels. Emucucco beamed up at Tels and took off running.

Tels couldn't stop grinning when she watched their kids play. "I love you, Ceres."

"I love you, eternally," replied Ceres, a smile spread across her face.

"Every time. Is this a competition of who loves the other more?" asked Tels with wide eyes, "Because I would win."

"Sure you would," smirked Ceres as she dipped Tels.

Tels' turned to a deep shade of blue and held onto Ceres' dress. Ceres' gauntlets dug into Tels' back and pulled Tels back up.

Ceres stalked ahead. "Well you need to keep up."

In one long step Tels was towering over Ceres and caressing her face. Ceres leaned into Tels' touch, her eyes fluttered shut. Then, Tels took a step forward and smirked over her shoulder.

"Tels," muttered Ceres as her lips curled upwards.

Tels stopped and her hands up. "You've got me. Come over here."

Ceres pulled down Tels' face and softly kissed her. Tels grasped Ceres' hands, running her fingers over her scarred knuckles.

Ceres pulled away leaving Tels dumbfounded. "Frank is about vanish with our kids"

"Kids. Right."

Once the kids were wrangled together Ceres led them down the dusty road, the sun beat down onto their backs. No vegetation grew along the rocky road as they traveled further from the quaint village of human immigrants. The red dirt smeared across their boots as they approached an obsidian memorial.

It was cracked from time, no flowers were left for the fallen soldiers. Dirt hid their names. As if it was forgotten or no one cared enough.

Tels lined up the kids and Frank as Ceres laid down five nova lilies over the husk of years worth of flowers. The Wren Phoenix crest symbol on a sheet of metal sat beside the flowers, the red paint stark across the gray shine.

Five notches on Ceres' gauntlet caught the light of the fading sun.

Ceres pulled a kinky curl behind her ear and whispered, "May the force be with you, eternally."

The family stood in silence for a minute. Then, Ceres rounded them up back to the Guardian. Their shadows grew longer with the dying sun to their backs.

On the stone was etched in Ceres' writing was:

Vass Stolane

Alta Hont

Yarla Thon

Raeth Kogla

Krekor Trolerem

Caleb Dume was scratched across the back of the metal sheet.

The phoenix symbol burned with hope, setting the galaxy ablaze.


Once everyone was on the ship except Tels and Ceres they walked to a grave for the Imperial Army. Tels Eto took a step forward, her eyes scanning across the names of the fallen. Searching for anyone she might know. Her breath halted once she saw an all too familiar name written in black.

Captain Kulan Jal of the Bane Squad.

Tels' grip on Ceres' hand tightened, her eyes stung as tears pooled.

Tels was at a loss of words.

It wasn't fair. None of it was. They never asked for war but they had no other choice.

Ceres' heart felt heavy. "He's with his brother now, Tels."

"I know. They're in a better place now where Dakaan isn't sick anymore," darkly returned Tels and walked on.

That's all that Tels could do.

Each step felt heavier than the last, bringing back images of her fallen comrades in a range of white to gray. The beat of their right hand being brought to their brows. Kulan stood amongst them now, his face stricken with grief and pain.

"Sir, yes, sir."

It swallowed Tels whole until she felt she wasn't fully herself anymore.

Ceres gently squeezed Tels' hand, bringing Tels back to Cere's side.

The two kept walking as if to run away from their demons to their undecided future.

With Ceres at Tels' side she knew that everything will be okay.


"Never give up, no matter how dark things seem."

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