Veracity: 15

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Darkness engulfed a girl's body entirely as she barely peered through a closing door. A Cerean man stood tall between her and the approaching soldiers, their white armor glimmered in the dying light. Blasters were aimed at the Cerean, a green glow illuminated the shadows, the protector slammed the button with his fist.

A man with curled horns painted onto his helmet ordered his men to release a blue rain. It was the last sight she saw before the door slammed shut. The sounds of a struggle haunted the girl trembling inside the escape pod. A sudden feeling of lightness overwhelmed the girl and a red light glowered.

The girl threw herself at the door, begging for someone, anyone to save him, sobs were swallowed into the vastness of space.

As the pod dropped, Bankole jolted herself out of bed, her clothing clung to her in a pool of sweat, something shook the nightstand. Shaking arms couldn't support the Agent, she collapsed onto the frigid floor of the ship. She clutched herself, her gasps were inaudible as she gulped down air. She felt everything all at once and then Bankole sensed nothing.

The Agent stumbled to lean against the metallic table and fumbled around to find the source of the beeps. The cool alloy cut deeply into her fist when she found it and smashed with all her strength.

Bankole swore under her breath. "Krong, that hurt and now I have to replace it."


Tels listened to Kulan rocking back and forth in the seat behind her, but the Tempest caught her attention. The man was wandering his ship with an azure Lothal cat strapped to his chest, the cat's paws stuck out stiffly. Kulan leapt out of his seat and ran up to the informant.

Kulan demanded, "What is her name? Can I pet her?"

The Tempest pulled out the cat from the baby carrier and handed her to Kulan. "This little lady is named Sheesh Kabab. Keep her as long as you want until we make it to our destination."

"Exactly, where are we going?" asked Tels, distrust emitted from her.

"Since you work for me now I'm pawning you off to the rebel alliance. In exchange for your services I'll uphold my end of the bargain," nonchalantly explained the Tempest causing Kulan to nearly drop the cat.

Tels cocked her head. "What's in it for you?"

"As usual, you're interrogating me. Fine, I get financial compensation for recruiting Imperial officials," the Tempest disclosed.

Kulan stormed up to the Tempest. "I never agreed to this! I thought we would only be working with the Bad Batch."

"You never really accomplished anything with them. Think of that as a side quest." the Tempest sat in the pilot's seat. "Your real work begins now."

Tels spoke up, "That's enough now, Kulan. I know this has gone off course, however we're now talking about lives, not credits or other bribes."

"Yes, ma'am," muttered Kulan who vanished with Shish Kebab.

The Tempest shot a look over at Tels, "You might want to change your clothing since you're still wearing your Empire uniforms."

"Empire uniforms? We don't have anything," clarified Tels.

"Don't worry I have you covered." the Tempest pointed at three black boxes. "Over there are new outfits for you and everyone else. Each one has your name on it. Plus, it's free of charge."

Tels bowed her head. "Thank you for everything even though you had us kidnapped."

"It's not a problem at all." declared the Tempest as put in headphones, "We don't want you to look suspicious."

The Knave's CrusadeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin