Convalescence: 25

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The Tempest stroked Fodu's head, the Loth cat glared up at him with black eyes, the faint pink fur shedded off like crazy. Puffs of it sprinkled through the stony room, clumps of it began a carpet. Then, a blaring thump nearly scared the life out of the Tempest as Fodu took off running.

Hunter questioned, "Did I scare you?"

"No one ever scares me," defended the Tempest as he smoothed out his shirt.

"So, you meant to throw Fodu?" Hunter laughed to himself.

"Yes, I did." the Tempest calmly explained, "It's exercise for my Loth cat. Fodu is getting a little chunky."

"That's how it's meant to be. Living a life of luxury. At least your kid can't talk back," huffed Hunter while he pulled up a chair next to the Tempest.

The Tempest propped he head on his hand, giving Hunter an annoyed look. "Is there anything that you would like to tell me?"

"Not really," muttered Hunter, "Except maybe we can finally find our home. It's been so long since we could just exist."

The Tempest hopped up. "Then, I will take my leave. Wait, what? You don't have a place to stay for Omega."

"No, could you help us find a planet where we could live in peace?" carefully asked Hunter.

The Tempest guaranteed and began to strolled towards the door, "Will do. Tell me when."

"There's one more thing. Omega has been running around with these markers and drawing all over the ship." Hunter rambled on causing the Tempest to sit back down. "Tech says it's to help him find what needs fixing, but I think they're up to something. I'm worried because last week Omega accidentally started a fire in the kitchen with Wrecker. Sometimes I wonder."

"Maybe they're trying to play a prank on you," suggested the Tempest.

Hunter replied, "Maybe. Can I ask you how many cats you have?"

"Not enough. I like to adopt as many as possible." the Tempest flashed Hunter a charming grin.

Hunter shook his head. "There are times when I can't tell if you're serious."

"Even for me. It's an art form of messing with others," the Tempest jested.

"You would make a great dad. Of course in the aspect of convincing your kid the craziest of lies," Hunter shamefully admitted.

"Lies is a little harsh. I like to call it exaggerations, embellishments," the Tempest said and nearly leapt up.

Fodu ran into the room with a pair of thick, angry eyebrows drawn in black ink. Before the cat looked grump, now it appeared to be full of rage. Behind Fodu, Tech stumbled in with a stack of crates.

"Tech, did you do this?" demanded the Tempest, for the first time he was serious.

"For a matter of fact I did not. I have more important tasks to do," declared Tech.

The Tempest strutted to Tech and dramatically waved his hands. "Like what? Tormenting my poor, little Fodu. I thought better of you."

"The other day you called me 'sky boy', so I do not think so," Tech answered as he turned to the exit.

Hunter interjected, "Did you, Tech?"

"I believe it was Omega and Wrecker," spilled Tech.

"I find that hard to believe when they were assigned to help in the kitchen," deflected Hunter.

Tech stated, "I was them a few minutes ago running up and down the halls."

"That's what the racket was," thought the Tempest out loud.

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