Intermission: 1

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Tels Eto was bent over her metallic workbench, her fingers precariously tapped across the touch screen. Images of the various images flashed across the other tilted screen, Tels' memory raced to keep up with the white outlines of the prototype starships. Numbers and letters littered the screen with drawings of the mechanical parts of the various engines, it all be became jumbled. Tels pushed back her midnight blue tendril atop her head and let out a sigh when she began deciphering the symbols. They were due later that day to the Starship Division, a sector of the Imperial Navy. Then, a knock on the metal door rang through her private office. In the room a crash was heard.

Sighing through her nose, Tels called out, "Who's there?"

"It's Lieutenant Kulan Jal, Captain," answered a male's voice, "I think your little guy ran into some boxes."

A gray and green droid zoomed through the middle of Tels' private quarters. Frank spun around Kulan and into the hall to continue his conquest of destruction.

Tels elbowed her box of engine parts. "Come in," ordered Tels.

The door slid back to reveal a togruta with white and red montreals and lekkus, golden eyes pierced into Tels. Kulan carried an enormous crate of metal parts with a tablet atop, his arms shook from the weight. The crate settled loudly on Tels' workbench as it rattled her screens.

"I've brought the papers for the Imperial I-Class Star Destroyer." Kulan informed Tels while he handed her images of a triangular ship, "Will he be okay?"

Tels took the paper and waved Kulan over. "This is normal. Why don't you come to help me? You need to review some Star Destroyer class engines for the Board Exams."

"That would be great! It's not for another year or so, but the sooner I start the better," exclaimed Kulan with relief while he avoided the clutter of mechanical parts, "What are you working on?"

"Nothing really. Just some prototypes for Phantom-class ships. The goal is to have them completely undetectable and that's hard to do if there's lots of life forms." Tels described, "Honestly, I've been looking at some starships from the Grand Republic Era and earlier times, but I couldn't find anything."

Tels passed over the outline of an ion drive engine to Kulan. "I need to have it alphabetical," irritably stated Kulan.

Tels replied as she switched the images with an eye roll, "Alright, here's the first one."

"I never understood the point of learning all the types of serial numbers," complained Kulan.

"Kulan," warned Tels, "I took on the role of being your private instructor out of my own good will. You get to miss the enthralling three years of starship engineering school that I and many others have endured. I don't have to do this, so I expect you to learn everything I tell you to."

Kulan furrowed his pigmented brows. "Yes, ma'am. I'll give this a shot."

Tels and Kulan ran through the samples of serial numbers for hours. Each one seemed more similar to the last one, it became an empty image in Kulan's mind. Tels shook her head at each of Jal's errors and corrected him.

"How's your brother doing?" inquired Tels when Kulan finished a list.

Kulan glanced at his instructor. "He's doing better. The new round of treatment should limit the disease."

"I'm sorry about that, Kulan." Tels comforted, "If ever need to talk to someone you know where to find me."

Kulan offered a small smile. "Thank you. I'll keep that in mind. Do you want me to take a look at your prototypes?"

Tels responded, "You don't need to do that now. We could take a little look later today."

"Captain Eto and Lieutenant Jal, report to the main entrance of the base," an automated voice dictated from her band guard.

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