Flaring: 6

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Raeth stood in awe as he witnessed the stars above, each glowing like a flickering candle. He felt that he could reach out to grasp them. Alta stood by Raeth with her arms crossed, but a smile spread across her face when Raeth reached upwards.

"We could fly by that constellation when we leave," recommended Alta.

Raeth nodded his head vigorously. "I would love that. Stars have always captured my attention."

Vass interrupted, "I think that we'll have time for that if we hurry here. I don't like how we don't know when the rebel or rebels will attack."

"Neither do I." chimed in Krekor, "Our job is already dangerous enough."

Alta punched Krekor's shoulder. "You're the only dangerous one here. You can't pilot to save your life."

"That's an understatement," smirked Yarla, her eyes darted to a door.

A mellow laugh erupted from Krekor whose eyes lit up like a million stars. A contagious giggle spread throughout the troopers, each feeling a little relaxed.

"It's just like old time," gently remembered Vass.

Yarla rolled her eyes. "When we were all idiots, always looking for trouble when we had enough."

"Especially you," chirped Alta.

Yarla gave Alta the look that sent Alta running out the door. Vass held up her hand to stop Krekor from going after them.

Raeth muttered, "There they go again."

"Come on, let's go," Krekor stated, "Do you know how Commander Gaabenk Typhe is doing?"

"They're doing well. Last time I heard the Commander's kids are doing great." replied Vass as they were walking, "I hope that we can see them soon."

"Me, too," remembered Krekor, "The Commander always loved to show pictures of his children and tell stories about how Bankole and them went out to bars."

Raeth recalled, "I remember the two got lost on Tatooine a few years back on a mission. Of course we weren't invited."

"That's because we were busy," Vass said, "Last one left is a dead man."

Then, Vass ran out with Raeth and Krekor on her heels.


Bankole emerged with determined eyes, a grim look plastered her face. After her trailed in Kulan and Tels. The storm troopers ran into formation, waiting for Bankole's commands. Warden Mivdu nervously shifted on his feet once Agent Bankole met his eyes.

"I spoke to my commanding officer and we will be staying here until the rebels attack." sternly announced the Agent, "However, my stormtroopers and associates will not be the first line of offense. Instead we will take a more defensive stance and infiltrate the rebel's ship."

"I-is that all you can do?" Ini stuttered.

Bankole shot back, "Yes, that is all we can do with our given circumstances."

Before the Warden could answer the sirens wailed in the metal building and red light flashed on the walls. Bankole spun two fingers. Instantly, the troopers pulled out the blasters and helmets on as Tels reached for her blaster. Pulling Kulan aside, hesitantly Tels handed Kulan her second blaster from her belt.

"Do you remember how to use this, Kulan?" asked Tels, her voice rough when she handed Kulan the blaster.

Kulan recalled, his voice trembling, "Turn off the safety, only aim if I mean to shoot, and pull the trigger."

"Good. I just hope you don't have to use it," said Tels as she squeezed Kulan's shoulder to calm his nerves.

The Agent took a step forward to round up her squad and left the Warden to deal with his men.

Vass informed Bankole as she looked up from her arm band, "There's a ship that just docked at 9-B2. It's the next door on the left of the main hall.

"Vass, you take Krekor and Alta. Raeth and Yarla come with me to protect Eto and Jal," dictated Bankole as they broke apart.

Tels interjected, "You should know that we're a part of the Imperial Military."

"If anyone here is qualified to defend us. It's Tels because she fought during the Clone Wars," defended Kulan, his eyes hardened.

Some like pain shot across the Agent's face. "Then, follow us."

Tels ran after Bankole with Frank on her heels, their steps echoed in the stuffy chambers, red lights lined the hall illuminating the dark. Raeth and Yarla led Bankole, Tels, and Kulan to the dock. Raeth signaled for them to slow down and to stop at the open door.

Vass guided Alta and Krekor around a corner in Tel's view and waited for Bankole's signal to begin firing. Tels' finger gripped her blaster tighter with each second passing, each slower than the last one, her breathing quickened. Slowly, Tels controlled her breathing with each deep inhale. Nonetheless, no one approached the door.

Bankole took a step forward from her squad to have one blue bullet aimed at her feet. It bounced off the wall, hitting each trooper's helmet. Alarm ran through Bankole's body as she rushed to make sure Raeth and Yarla were still breathing. In the darkness Tels threw Kulan behind her and stalked towards the landing pad.

A man with a crooked smile greeted her with the end of his blaster, Tels fell to the ground. Before Kulan or Bankole could respond they passed out from a white gas. The man took the Agent, Tels, and Kulan aboard his ship to leave the troopers to tell his tall tale.

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