Dawn: 3

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A young togruta was laying in a white room, the blanket strewn across his torso was etched into Kulan's mind. Dakaan's black eyes lit up when Kulan reached over to pull the soft fabric up to his chest. His brother's labored gulps for air brought terror to Kulan whenever he visited.

Dakaan held onto Kulan's hand. "When is the next time you can visit me? It seems like an eternity between each time."

"I'm not really sure. I spoke to my commanding officers and they said they'll be more understanding in the future," reassured Kulan, a fake smile appeared.

"I know that smile, Lan. You're full of it, but I understand. You have important work to do," Dakaan called out.

Kulan tousled Dakaan's montreals. "Like what? All I'm doing is learning for now."

"One day you'll fly from one end of the galaxy to the other. You're just preparing for your grand adventure." cheered Dakaan and grew in volume, "I want you to do that for me. It would be-."

A coughing fit racked Dakaan's body as the heart monitor began to beep faster and louder. A few togruta medical staff ran in and pushed Kulan away from his brother. Kulan struggled to reach over for Dakaan, however an orange togruta stopped him. Swiftly, Kulan swiped at the togruta's knee and felt hands firmly grab his shoulders. He was dragged out the room as the team closed the door on him. Kulan spun around to see his mother and father, he leapt into their arms, and shedded tears.

Kulan's mother whispered into his ear, "I know this is hard, Lan. It is all for all of us, but we need to stick together for Dakaan."

His father's hug tightened with each sob that escaped from Kulan and his mother did not let go. It always brought pain to Kulan whenever he remembered.


Kulan tapped his long fingers against his leather pants leg, his eyes scanned his room in search of his mechanic tools. Impatience laced his sigh when he finally found the metal crate under his pile of clothes. In the back of his mind Tels was nagging him to clean up his room. Jal reached for the cloth pack of electro-shock prods, carbon chisels, and more. All lined up neatly until his door slid open.

Jumping from his skin, Tels barged in with a stack of engineering textbooks that were labeled from calculus to the mechanics of starships. Tels stood by Kulan as she plopped his books on the bed, her eyes lit up when she saw his drawing screen. She stalked over to the other side of the room and examined his work.

Tels touched a few parts of the starship design. "If you move this, then the engine will fire up quicker."

"Thanks," Kulan replied as he joined her, "Would a cylinder work for the exhaust pipe?"

Tels tapped her chin. "Theoretically, it should. However, I would make the diameter larger."

Kulan reached for the screen and expanded the center of the pipe. "That should help a lot. What if chromium is used for the plating?"

"That's a great question. We won't know until it's tested." settled Tels, her eyes lighting up at the idea of experimenting with the different types of metal, "Or, if we get our hands on it we could try beskar metal. Of course we would have to give it back to the Mandorians."

Kulan snapped his fingers. "Shoot, I forgot about that. It's alright if we stick to chromium."

"Oh, before I forget I have brought your second set of books for this semester," briefed Tels, "We will be continuing your education even though we'll be doing this mission."

"Yes, ma'am," sighed Kulan as he continued packing, "Do I have to still do homework?"

"Depending on how it goes. Hopefully, you won't fall behind."

"I bet I won't. Ummm, your uniform is tucked into your pants."

Tels flipped her hand to her backside while she exited. "Thanks for telling me, kiddo."

"No problem," called out Kulan after Tels.


Agent Bankole stared down her five storm troopers as they lined up before her modified passenger ship. Strolling down the walkway to her was Captain Tels Eto and Lieutenant Kulan Jal, both wearing packs across their backs.

Agent Bankole snapped, "Next time don't take your sweet time. We have important matters to discuss."

Agent Bankole whipped around with the stormtroopers at her heels and stalked up the ramps to the entrance. Tels cocked her head to Kulan, then rolled her eyes in annoyance. Kulan laughed under his breath and followed Tels to the ship.

Vass tilted back her head. "Welcome aboard the Guardian."

Entering the spacious room took away Tels' breath when she saw all of the mechanical gadgets. Her eyes scanned across the scratched floor that was loaded with crates of metal scraps. Kulan let out a giggle of joy as he dashed over to them, eyes glowing like fireflies.

A woman with a pixie cut let out a sigh through her nose, her green eyes lightened, waves of brown hair glowed. She paced over to Tels and Kulan with her helmet in her hand to see what was going on.

"My name is Alta Hont," introduced the woman, a warm smile spread across her tan face.

"I'm Kulan Jal," replied Kulan and pointed to a kneeling Tels, "and this is my professor Tels Eto."

Alta politely asked, "Do you work with droids? I love tinkering with the astromechs and medical droids."

"No. I'm majoring in starship engineering with Tels as my private teacher," explained Kulan.

Alta was caught off guard by a tall man, he leaned over and blurted out, "Agent Bankole is waiting for us in the meeting room."

"This is Krekor Trolerem." Alta mentioned and followed him, "He's a little quiet."

Krekor sauntered down the narrow hall, he shook his shaven head in disappointment when he saw Yarla trying to shove her blaster up Raeth's nose. Tels pinched the bridge of her nose as she walked by them, Kulan went over to help them. A metallic scent wafted through the white room with a table down the middle, Agent Bankole sat at the head of the table with Vass at her right hand side.

Tel's jaw dropped in shock when she saw her mint and gray astromech. "Frank!"

"I thought you were leaving your droid behind," disclosed Kulan.

"I forgot about him," exclaimed Tels as she ran to the droid and patted its head.

Kulan rolled his eyes, "You always do."

"I'm glad that you finally joined us." drawled the Agent with a flicker in her eyes, "I thought I would take the liberty of getting C1-22P for you since he is required for your duties."

Everyone took their places in the room with Kulan and Tels furthest away from Agent Bankole. Kulan raised his non-existent eyebrows waiting for Bankole to begin, but Vass took the lead. Vass trailed through maps and points of entrances that will be used catching Tels' attention. Soon enough they were ready to depart for the planet, Adras.

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