Shanghaied: 8

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Bankole was roughly shoved down the ramp into a temperate climate, mountain ranges reached far and wide behind the city skyline. Towering green-rusted buildings with rounded roofs outlined the platform, the chattering of the city in the distance filled the silence. Through the landing pad platform Falleens were seen conversing with humans, each ignoring them.

Tels bumped into Bankole with Kulan and Frank on her heels. Hunter guided Tels and Kulan with Omega at his side, the kid's eyes widened at the sight of the city. Tels caught a whiff of the odor of the putrid pollution. As the three and the droid were led through the bustling, narrow pathways Tels overheard that they were in the city Freelonn from the locals.

"Are you hungry?" innocently asked Wrecker with a handful of sweet popcorn.

Tels shook her head, the cuffs rattled. "Thank you for asking, but I'm not. What was your name?"

"Wrecker!" exclaimed the giant, "I love to smash and explode things."

"I like to design and build things," said Tels.

Wrecker cocked his head. "Like what?"

"Starships." breathed Tels, her eyes lighting up, "I have Kulan to help me do that."

"Kulan?" inquired Wrecker.

"Oh, my name is Tels and the togruta is Kulan." Tels indicated with her head. "Frank is my droid and the final one is Agent Bankole."

Wrecker scratched his head. "Does the Agent have a first name?"

"That's a good question," Tels confessed as they entered the crooked parts of the city.

Tech announced to everyone, "We're nearing the meeting place. Hunter and I should go in first."

"We won't." Hunter declared, "We'll go in through the back to avoid the crowds."

Tech determined while he examined the growing numbers of sentient-beings, "That would be best for us."

Kulan felt Echo's shoulder as they were guided to a deserted cantina further down the alleyway. Drunk or high Biths, humans, and other species laid against the freezing metal walls, empty bottles still in their grasp. Tels gave Kulan a reassuring nod when they entered the poorly kept structure.

A wave of vomit and other vile smells smacked Tels' nose and nearly gave her a headache. A brass protocol droid approached them and waved them over. Hunter adjusted his blaster as he scanned the bar with no one on the stools. Booths existed without a soul except for an unconscious Rodian and stacks of cups.

Tech adjusted his goggles. "Where are we going?"

"That I don't know," Hunter revealed, "We're instructed to arrive at the Edge by midday."

"My master is late. Please wait here till they arrive," instructed the droid with folded arms.

Echo moved Tels, Bankole, and Kulan to the bar and plopped in a stool. His soft brown eyes landed on Kulan and Bankole. Kulan raised his pigmented brow and set his arms on the counter. Bankole leaned back, her eyes hardening when she met Echo's.

"What's your problem?" quietly demanded Echo.

Bankole folded her arms. "What's yours?"

"Nothing. I don't have a furrowed brow like you," observed Echo.

"Are you really a clone?" Kulan interjected, "I've heard of them from Tels, but I've never met one. I don't mean to be rude or anything."

Echo calmed Kulan. "It's alright. We're not exactly welcomed in the wide scheme of things anymore."

"I'm sorry about that, Echo," Kulan tenderly expressed.

Something like sadness passed Echo's face when he looked down. "Thank you."

Tech and Hunter stood nearby and their voices grew louder as the argument heated. They stood by the bar, their arms crossed.

Tech insisted loud enough for everyone to hear, "We need to stay in touch with our contact. We need to help them."

"No. I will not allow that. We have already done enough for them. My priority is to keep Omega and the rest of us safe." countered Hunter, his voice cold like ice but brittle with exhaustion, "That is final."

Tech spat out, "Fine."

Omega sat by Wrecked as they played rock, paper, scissors and shot up her head. Omega scrambled off the tall stool and walked up to Tech and Hunter.

"Why are you arguing?" questioned Omega, her eyes wide.

"The war is not their problem. It's not ours anymore. We've already done enough for this galaxy." gently said Hunter as he sat Omega on his lap, "My job is to keep you safe, Omega."

"Follow me, please," instructed the droid, eyeing Frank.

Frank spun around and beeped all known profanities as he kept up with Kulan and Tels. Hunter and Tech gathered up their prisoners with Hunter and Omega on the rear. Through a dark corridor there was a metallic door that showed their reflection, everyone appeared grime. The door quietly slid open and Hunter led the way in a vast room. A desk sat on the other side with bookshelves and art decorating the walls. It had no foul scent that the rest of Freelonn had.

In the crowd Tels stood two inches taller than the clones, she tilted her head back when she saw no one new. Tech looked at Hunter and Omega with a quizzical expression and was interrupted by the protocol droid.

"I do apologize my Master is running late again," explained the droid, then one of the bookshelves slid open.

A dark laughter filled the room. "Welcome, Captain Tels Eto, Lieutenant Kulan Jal, and Agent Pascal Bankole."

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