Welded: 23

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The Tempest's ship rattled in the quick winds of Barkhesh in the Seitia Sector of the Outer Rim Territories. The Tempest's fingers gripped the steering wheel tighter with each bump in the rapidly changing currents. Views of the lush forests and golden fields flew by, farming villages littered the mountainsides and valleys.

"It would help if you tilted the nose of the ship at forty-three degrees downwards instead of forty-two degrees," calmly advised Tech, his nasally voice growing with worry.

The Tempest leapt out of the pilot's seat and shoved Tech down. "Why don't you fly, skyboy."

The lower the ship was guided smoothly the more and more insects splattered across the glass. Large, black arthropods gutted themselves with their slimy innards smearing in the gales. Wings were torn apart and lost behind the ship.

Omega jumped back. "Ewww! That's gross."

"I did not account for this," curtly commented Tech and dipped the nose of the ship deeper.

Hunter gripped the seat in front of him, encasing Omega between him and the backrest. Omega jiggled around with each bounce until they leveled out. Wrecker paled when the sound of a door opening filled the ship. Pascal barreled through the large main room and nearly manhandled Tech from his seat when Echo stopped her.

Echo reminded Pascal, "This is not the time or place for this."

"You need to control yourself. I know that you're grieving, but you can't act like this," sternly rebuked Hunter as he yanked back Pascal.

Pascal's fiery eyes stared into Hunter's soul and she relented. "Tch. Tels is trying to sleep."

"I understand what you're going through," shared Tech, the ship was finally stable.

Pascal shrugged. "Sure ya do."

"Our brother, Crosshair, betrayed us for the Empire. Though it is not entirely his fault because it was out of his control," remembered Tech, a twinge of sadness flecked his words.

Omega propped her head on the backrest. "It's the inhibitor chip. It made Crosshair join the Empire. He had no choice."

As quickly the complete and utter shock widened Pascal's eyes, it was gone.  "Well, that explains a lot. Inform me when we land."

Out of habit, the Tempest mock saluted Pascal. "Yes ma'am."

Once Tech lowered the ship into the plant's inner atmosphere, a woman's voice called out to the Bad Batch via comm, and gave them permission to land in the hidden base. Wind speeded by, the ship thumped against the stone floor, dust billowed across the windows. Slowly, everyone exited the ship, leaving Tels and Pascal behind.


In an unlit room, Pascal gently shook Tels awake in a nest of blankets and pillows, enough for two sentient beings. Tels flopped over, barricading her face in the thin blankets and ignoring reality. Pascal shook her head as she ripped Tels from the bunk, Tels' back hit the adjacent wall.

"What the crink was that for?" demanded Tels, her voice wavering.

Pascal observed black and blue spots forming under Tels' eyes, so dark they appeared as bruises. Tels' clothes were unkempt, her shirt untucked and stains on her pants. Pascal was no better off than Tels, her mind wasn't there as it needed to be. Thoughts replayed in Pascal's mind, how it could've happened differently.

Pascal barked, "Get up, we made it to the base. You've done enough moping around."

"Pfft, you always boss everyone around," complained Tels, unable to meet Pascal's eyes.

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