Jaunt: 4

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A deep turquoise and emerald marble came into view, white swirls wrapped long coils across the colors. Kulan's eyes widened in wonder as they drew nearer to Adras in the Seswenna Sector. He shifted in his seat next to Tels to catch her attention, her eyes lifted from her tablet. Kulan reached over for the screen, but was stopped by Tels.

Tels batted away Kulan. "I'm trying to read reports about the Trailing Sectors since we're going through it. There's always something going on."

"What?! Can't you read?" asked Kulan.

Tels acknowledged, "For the most part. The words get mixed from time to time."

"What's going on in this sector? I know it's Westward of the Corellian Run," Kulan pressed as Tels tried to read.

"There's too many pirates and slave owners out there. It's mostly smugglers and the black market nowadays." recalled Tels with her eyes still scanning the screen, "About seven-teen thousand years ago the Alsakan Conflicts began."

"What is that? More importantly, is it relevant to me?"

"Not really." rambled on Tels as she placed down the tablet. Tels turned in her chair to face Kulan. "Nonetheless, it is an important part of Corellia's history because by the end they were able to grow their colonies. The planet kept neutral, allowing them to grow the Corellian Hegemony, the Run, and the Corellian Trade spine."

"That's great and all, but is it related to my education?" inferred Kulan.

Tels turned back to the front and lifted up the tablet. "No. Have you been to Adras?"

Kulan answered with a dopey grin, "Nope, just wanted to show you it. Adras is gorgeous."

"It truly is," muttered Tels and returned back to her work.

Kulan bounced his knee up and down causing noisy taps, it drove Tels insane. She refocused every few seconds when Kulan's jitters became louder. Eventually, she placed the tablet screen onto her lap and flicked the back of Kulan's head.

Kulan pushed away Tels' hand. "What was that for?! I'm not bothering you."

"Yes, you are." smirked Tels, "Your foot keeps distracting me."

"I'll stop. Do you have my stress ball?" inquired Kulan.

Tels reached in her pocket and threw a soft sphere to Kulan. He dug his fingers into the squish as he watched the descendance into the atmosphere. The Guardian began to pick up speed while the darkness of space speeding by turned into a gradient of blues.

"Agent Bankole, we've made it into the atmosphere," announced Yarla with Raeth as the copilot.

Bankole gripped the back of Tels' seat as they flattened the ship. "Excellent. Be ready to depart once we land."

A faint thump echoed through the metal contraption when they landed, dirt clouded the half cylinder windows of the cockpit. Whistling filled the ship as the air pressure returned back to normal. Instantly, Yarla threw the communication device from her face and jumped up to pack supplies. The rest of storm troopers were all ready to go except for Kulan and Tels who struggled to function. In the chaos Kulan gripped his head in pain from the air pressure.

Alta inferred, "Not much flying, Kulan? The first few times in this junk is difficult for some."

"I've not really done much traveling," admitted Kulan.

"He's just getting started." chimed in Tels, "To continue his education with me he has to learn how to pilot. I do know that he has a fear of it."

Kulan's cheeks deepened to a burnt orange. "About that, I am trying to overcome it."

"Good for you," encouraged Alta.

Bankole barked, "Enough talking, it's time to go."

"Yes, ma'am," the troopers returned and followed Bankole to the planet's ground.

Tels ushered Kulan after them as she scrambled to catch up with Frank on their heels. Heat radiated off of the metal panels that created the landing platform. As far as the eye can see forests of maple and oak trees towered over the grassy fields littered with life. Screeches of native birds shot across the hangar, their nests were tucked away into the siding of the facility.

No windows lined the huge building, but stormtroopers marched around the halls and the landing pad. Dull metal glistened in rising suns, casting a rainbow as the only source of color. Absolutely no sound came from the facility itself.

Tels persisted when she examined the gloomy building. "What is this?"

"It's a jail for high ranking criminals." explained Raeth, "Specifically, rebels."

Tels stammered, "Are the majority of the criminals a part of the rebellion?"

"About over fifty percent are," pervaded Raeth

Tels nodded her head to this news and followed Raeth into the jail. The detention center held an eerie silence, the sunlight sparked against the metal sheets, bright oranges faded to reds and yellows. Kulan kept to Tels' side as they entered the gaping mouth of the prison.


Once they stormtroopers entered the facility Bankole directed them to the main floor. This left Kulan, Tels, Frank, and Bankole in the grand entrance with white light gleaming.

Bankole ordered, "Captain, Lieutenant you will be escorted by CS-9934."

Then, the Agent vanished after her stormtroopers leaving Tels and Kulan alone with Frank. The astromech rolled around, releasing distressed beeps until Tels calmed him.

CS-9934 reported, "I will be your guide for today. Please follow me to the dining hall."

"That's perfect. I'm starving," announced Kulan, his stomach rumbled at the thought of food.

Kulan and Tels were led by a droid to a dull dining room with only a table with two chairs in it. Delicious smells wafted into the desolate hallway as a roasted colo claw fish and greens were laid out.

Kulan drooled. "Is that for us?"

"Yes, it is. The storm troopers and the Agent chose to eat separately to discuss further plans," apprised the droid.

Tels refuted, "Why would they do that?"

"Who cares! I'm starving," excitedly said Kulan as he sprinted in.

Tels patted the droid's head. "Thank you. What should we do when we're done?"

Droid spun around. "I'll be back to check on you two."

"Alright, I'll see you later." Tels waved as she entered to find Kulan already scarfing down the food. "Slow down, kiddo. Save some for me."

"I will," grumbled Kulan with a mouth full of soup.

Tels' mouth watered once she saw the fish and dug in as it melted on her tongue. The two crammed down the food and did not speak at all till it was gone. After the meal Kulan's grin faltered a bit and he spoke to Tels.

"I got news about my brother the other day," revealed Kulan.

Tels nearly fell out of her seat. "How's Dakaan doing?"

"The little man is recovering, but the steroids aren't working like last time. I was hoping after this mission if I could go home to visit Dakaan and my family," Kulan softly mentioned.

"Absolutely, as soon as we leave Adras you can go. I'm sorry about that." Tels consoled, "If you and your family need anything I'll be there. Just mention it and I'll drop everything."

Kulan breathed, "That will help a lot. Thank you again for this."

"Anytime. Let's go find that droid," Tels announced as she stood up.

Frank rolled up to Kulan and placed his head next to Kulan's lap. Moments later CS-9934 ventured to them and stated it was time to go. Frank, Kulan, and Tels trailed after the droid to their rooms. Tels took Frank to her room and left Kulan to rest up.

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