Lan Xichen send a message to Jin Zixuan, Jiang Cheng, Nie Huaisang, Nie Mingjue, Lan Qiren, Lan Wangji to meet him in his room as he has to discuss something with them after dinner.

After dinner, everyone in the inner circle with ladies who are present went to Lan Xichen's room for discussion.

Everyone came on time except Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian who came late due to their extra curricular activities. When Lan Wangji enters the room, Lan Qiren said," okay since everyone is here, now tell us why we are here Xichen."

Lan Xichen," uncle, one person is still missing" and looks at Lan Wangji.

Lan Qiren looks at everyone and got confuse so he asks," everyone is here, Xichen. Who is missing?"

Lan Xichen," Wangji, where is he?"

Lan Wangji," he will be here in a minute, he was changing his clothes?"

Lan Qiren," who is he, Wangji?"

At the same time the door opens and Wei Wuxian enters the room and said," sorry sorry, I am late. "

Lan Qiren did heard that the duplicate of Wei Wuxian looks exactly like him but he thought that everyone is just exaggerating the things but now when he seeing him with his own eyes, he understands that those people were right. He does looks exactly like him, not even a single thing is different.

After a mini shock for a minute, Lan Qiren looks at Lan Xichen and asks," why he is here?"

Lan Xichen," uncle, I think it's better if Wangji will explain this to you!"

Lan Qiren looks at Wangji and said," what is going on, Wangji?"

Lan Wangji," uncle, he is Wei Ying!"

Lan Qiren, who just came out of a mini shock goes on another shock and didn't understand what is going on. Why Wangji is saying that the man who looks like Wei Wuxian is actually Wei Wuxian. It took him quiet few minutes to recover.

Lan Qiren," what are talking about? He does look like Wei Wuxian, but he is not him!"

Jiang Cheng who is getting annoyed by this, decides to butt in and explains," grandmaster Lan, Hanguang Jun is right. He is my brother, Wei Wuxian. "

And then Nie Huaisang takes the initiative and told everything to Lan Qiren who was more than shocked after hearing the whole story.

After some time he asks," so, he is Wei Wuxian, he didn't have his golden core and he was able to survive in burial mounds by using musical demonic cultivation. "

Wei Wuxian," well yes, I knew that I didn't have any place in cultivation world after losing my golden core so I went far away from cultivation world until I had to came back to save my sister."

Lan Xichen," uncle, after coming back he helped us with the whole problem with the burial mounds thing and today also he helped us in blocking Lady Li's Demonic cultivation."

Nie Mingjue," what are you saying, xichen? How did Wei Wuxian helped us in blocking Li Tingyu's demonic cultivation?"

Lan Xichen," dage, actually that's one of the reason I asked for this meaning. Actually, when Wangji told Wuxian about our plans, Wuxian told him that we can block someone's demonic cultivation by music cultivation only for a small period of time and after some time it will come back. And even if we want to use music cultivation only then we have to add a bit of Demonic cultivation in it to make it more effective. But since it was out of option so he create a spell own his own within 2 hours which I used when everyone was focusing on the disciples who were playing the music."

Jin Zixuan," so that music didn't do anything?"

Lan Xichen," well, even if it would have block her cultivation it would be for few hours only so the main work was done by that spell!"

Jiang Cheng," why didn't you tell me about that spell Wei Wuxian?"

Wei Wuxian,"actually I thought since Zewu-jun is going to block Lady Li's golden core then it would be better if he put that spell to avoid any problem. And why I didn't told you was because I thought it's not a big deal. At the end of the day, all we need was to block Lady Li's Demonic cultivation which eventually happened."

Lan Qiren," if you didn't have any golden core then how you were able to create a new spell?"

Wei Wuxian," grandmaster Lan, I didn't make any new spell actually!"

Lan Qiren," then?"

Lan Wangji," uncle, Wei Ying already had a similar spell which worked a bit differently so all he did was make some changes in it to make it work the way he want."

Lan Qiren," so he can make spells even after he loose his golden core?"

Lan Wangji can hear a bit of distress and dislike in Lan Qiren and was about to pin-point it when Wei Wuxian put his hand on his, to make him calm down a bit.

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