"We're cool , you know just chillin' and having fun" i feel Faye start to set at ease at the sound of my voice , finally ! 

"That's good to hear , really good to hear and Faye what's it like being in this position i mean . It must be such a huge change for you?" . 

"Yeah , um . It's been amazing these past three weeks and i couldn't of asked for it to go any better" and the whole crowd scream as i slowly kiss her cheek . Faye lets out a giggle and a screams as well . 

"You too are just to adorable . Now lets talk about how you first met . What was that like?" Katy is actually alright . I thought she just wanted my answers like everyone else but she actually really listens . 

"I actually got run over" Faye laughs . 

"Yeah we heard about that one" Katy laughs as well and i add a laugh as well as i mean , come on what couple meet with one of them getting run over . 

"Yeah , it was pretty crazy . I saw him in the car park and i was just like . Oh my god oh my god . You know IT'S JUSTIN BIEBER " and crowd laugh . 

"Yeah your like a huge belieber aren't you ? You were once of these girls in the audience weren't you?" Katy looks so mind blown aha . 

"Yeah i was actually that girl right there" Faye points and everyone laughs and so do i . She's actually really good at this . She looks so computable now . "No" she laughs " I ran after his car and i was like the only one cause . No one saw him , it was just a normal day you know . I didn't even know he was in the UK and yeah . I just ran after his car like 'Justin! Stop' " and she waves her hands around and everyone laughs . "Then he finally stopped and got out and gave me a hug but the car stopped in the exit so they had to move so other people could get out . So Mike the driver at the time reversed and like the car just went crazy just like out of control and then splat" she lets out a giggle and everyone laughs . 

"Splat?" Katy grins 

Me and Faye both go "Splat" at the same time and laugh . 

"Justin , that must of been so hard for you i mean seeing one of your fans get run over . I just , i just can't imagine?" her smile fades . 

"Yeah , like i never thought that would ever happen . Like it just happened so fast and i just kind of like feel to the floor and held her in my arms . I just prayed that you know like she wouldn't-" i flopped my head down and pinched the top of my nose , between my eyebrows "Sorry" i smirk . 

"Your alright , don't worry about it hunny" Katy rubs my leg and i feel Faye's arms wrap around my waist and her head lie on my shoulder . I sit back up and wrap my arm around her and hug her tight and make a big smile . 

"Awwh" everyone in the audience crys . Some even crying . 

"You too" Katy grins and slaps me on the leg in a playful way  . 

"It was just so hard you know , i didn't know what to do .I thought she was so beautiful and i just couldn't let her life go . So i sat with Scooter and Kenny in the hospital and you know we waited and like finally she was awake . I told her that she could go anywhere with me you know i was like so heart broken for her . So i invited her home with me and - "

The Belieber He Fell For ( Justin Bieber Love Story ) .Completed.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя