CHAPTER TWELVE: Mission Part-1

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Unknown POV:

I'm in the flight, which is about to land in New York terminal. Me and my colleague are here for a mission to capture a mafia gang. They were originally formed in our former place but we couldn't capture them. They have kidnapped the kids and made them as their toy. We found 3 kids dead in this mission. Now, they escaped to New York and started the same routine. We are here to help the police department in arresting them.

The flight landed and we made our way to the luggage section and picked our bags. While walking, we saw our name in a hand-written board. We went towards him and exchanged greetings. Then he took us to a hotel to get freshen up.

We showered and changed into our new uniform and checked out from the hotel. Then we headed straight to the NYPD head quaters.


Adrien POV:

It's been a week since we went for shopping. Liam informed me that, today they are going for a rescue mission. So, I decided to visit our trust 'Love For Family' to make sure arrangements were made properly, when they return with the kids.

Luck is in our favour, since Damon has no school. He only needs to go for his football practice, since the selection committee will arrive next month for selection. So, he came forward to take care of Kiara at home. Because my week off is over and I'm back on duty. Then I need to check the kids if they were rescued.

I dressed in my casual blue shirt and cream pant with blue strips. I sat in my stool to have my breakfast. Today it was Liam's cooking, as Kiara was whimpering the whole night due to a nightmare. I don't know what she had, she doesn't want to talk about it. So she held me close and not allowed me to move anywhere.

I took a bite and turned to see Liam who seated beside me eating his own share "Did your partner arrived for the mission?"

"I don't know but I heard their flight has been delayed. So, we will be on our own and they might join us during our mission" He said.

"Bring those kids back safely and you too in one piece. I don't want to hear gun shot in your body again from any of your colleagues".

He laughed but I narrowed my eyes at the memory. During one of his mission he was shot in his guts when he tried to disarm a criminal. His colleagues rushed him to ER. My breath hitched, when I saw in that condition. I was the one appointed to do his surgery.

"That's not a funny vision. I don't want a repeat of it" I warned him.

"I'll take care of myself, Ad. You better be ready in the trust. I dont trust any of those bastards." He replied with anger towards the mafia members.

We know the extent of abuse and we don't like the idea of other kids being hurt in the same way.

"If there is any emergency, bring them to ER. If it is only casuals, let them reach the trust. We will finish our work in ER first, then we can move to the trust." I suggested.

"That's seem to be perfect. I'll inform about this to my chief and my colleagues" with that he stood up and washed his hands. He then grabbed his car keys and said "Bye" before heading towards the door.

I went upstairs and picked Kiara's sleeping form to Damon's bed and placed her beside him. He instinctively wrapped his around her protectively. I took a photo of them and placed the letter written for Damon.


Damon I left to work. Me and Liam won't be home for a long time. I made breakfast just preheat it in the oven and have it. Give some warm milk in sippy cup to Kiara. Enjoy your day with her and be careful.


I took my briefcase and car keys to start my car. I drove off towards the hospital.

Liam POV:

I went inside the head quarters and I was informed that there is a meeting regarding the mission in the discussion room. I toom my coffee from the coffee machine and went inside the discussion room.

Chief informed me yesterday that I'll be the one to lead the group for this mission. I must prove my capability by saving the kids and by capturing or killing the goons.

All were present in the room, I took my seat and waited for the chief to start the meeting.

"Hello everyone, today we are heading towards an important mission. Our main priority is to rescue the kids from the warehouse safe. If we can't capture them, then shoot them on the sight. This mission will lead by Officer Liam, he will explain the plot trap to us". Chief motioned for me to stand in his place.

"Hello guys, if you think you are not fit for this mission, please step out, the door is open for you. I won't take shit from you if any of you make mistakes in the field. I don't want losers in my team to risk others life. Any of you guys want to disagree with me?"

I waited for their reply and I was satisfied with their response when they all rooted in their place.

"Very well then. We are going to divide this team to 4 groups with each 5 members. Force-1 and Force-2 will surround the perimeter outside the warehouse and hide in the shadows. Force-3 will cover the back entrance and Force-4 along with me will head towards the entrance."

I continued "Force-3 should make a distraction, that should capture the attention of those people. After giving some time, Force-4 should enter and start to kill if they have weapons. Force-1 & Force-2 place your attacks through window. I need all the kids to be safe. Is that understood?".

They all nodded their head with determination.

"Then what are we waiting for, let's move". I ordered them. They all stood and made their way to the van to grab their uniform specially made for this mission. It is pure black shirt with pant and a bullet proof vest attached to it with various weapons like gun, knife, Taser, smoke bomb, and extra bullets.

All were dressed appropriate to the mission and they were ready to let go. So, we all piled in the van and drove off towards the warehouse. Our new team will either act as backup or will help in evacuation.

The warehouse came to our view. We stopped the vehicles and turned off the head lights to disguise us.

I ordered "Force-1 move to your location" through our ear-piece. They all said 'yes sir' in unison and moved towards their position. When I checked that they were perfect , I ordered "Force-2 move. Slow and steady".

Force-2 also made it to their position safe and secure. I used my thermal sensor glass to check for movements in the warehouse. "A group of children are in the left corner of the warehouse, they are guarded by 4 men".

I continued "Force-3 move to your position and your aim is to keep the kids safe and shoot those 4 guards since they are near the back entrance. Force-4 will aid you from the front."

They all agreed and went to their position and I ordered Force-1 who are in left side of the warehouse and Force-2 who are on the right side of the warehouse "Try to aim the guards who are near to you".

"Force-4 move" I said and I moved along with them to the front.

I took a deep breath and concluded "Mission Fuck Mafia accomplish and leave the boss for me".

With that the mission started.


Thanks for reading


Wait for Mission Part-2

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