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James POV:

When I got the call from Adrien that he has landed. For some reason I was excited to meet this guy. So, I took my jeep to the airport.

At airport entrance, I was entranced by a guy with fair skin, sparkling eyes that can hypnotize me at any time when I look at it. He took my breath away. When I look closer, he resembled someone. That's when it clicked to me, he is the one I'm looking for, Adrien.

He ignited my Dom passion. I like to have control with the right person inside and outside in any way. It's not abusive way controlling. I'm into BDSM for few years but I didn't have sub of my own. It involves great trust between dom and a sub to connect.

But today it was like a switch. Fire flew between me to claim him. It's clear that he is submissive. He was checking me out the whole way. I got smug because how much effect I have on him. When he complemented about my jeep and his car. I can't help the words that left my mouth 'Two peas in a pod'.

When he cradled Kiara in his arms and how he handled her, I thought about my future with him and our kids playing in the yard. Shaking my head, even if I wanted to date him. He will be in New york in few days. A dull ache formed in my heart when I think about it.

After checking Kiara, I took Adrien to my office. He sat across my desk and I picked the papers that needs to be signed by him.

"These are the guardian paper. Check before you sign it" I handed him the papers.

Adrien checked the papers once and signed the papers.

He returned the papers to me "Here you go".

"Are you ready to meet your parents?"

He gulped and lowered his head "I don't have the guts to face them. But I need to this."

"Ok then, let's go. We need to hurry, soon it will be past the visiting hours"

He nodded and stood from his seat. Then we both exited the office and picked my jeep.


Adrien POV:

After signing the papers, we took off to the prison. On the way, we stopped to give Kiara's blood sample for test.

Then we continued our path. It was a comfortable silence followed by the vehicle noise. James can sense my tension, he wanted to comfort me and but he understood my space.

The jeep stopped at the entrance, we climbed off. At the entrace, there were two guards guarding the gate.

One of the guards asked "who do you want to meet, sir?"

James answered them "we are here for William Thomas and Grace Thomas"

"Please go inside and wait in the waiting area. You can talk to them behind the bars".

We nodded and they checked me for any weapons. When they got clear, we went inside and waited.

James cleared his throat and asked "Do you want me to stay? or I can wait outside".

I quickly said and grabbed his hand "No, please stay. I can't handle them alone."

He squeezed my hand and smiled "Okay then, I'll be with you"

Our moment was interrupted by the horrible women who made my life hell.

"Well, well, if it isn't my favourite son came to visit me. I missed you my boy".

My father has a nerve to ask me "Are you here to take us out?"

I laughed bitterly at them. How can they expect me to release them after what they did to me and my siblings.

"Oh dear father. I won't do anything like that. How can a useless son have such ability to release you?"

I continued "I would have forgiven, if I was the only victim. But you made my brothers to fear their life. Let's say I would have forgiven for that too. But you made a worse mistake by touching my sister."

I was buzzing with anger and my body is shaking. I calmed down when a hand patted my shoulder. I looked up to see, it was James. I took a deep breath and faced them.

Grace smirked "Oh! you met her. How she is now? I bet she will be suffering."

My suspicious grew harder by each second and her confession. Man up and ask her, Ad.

I looked directly in the eyes of my mother who should have taken care of us with love and asked "Answer my damn question then I'll be out of your hair?"

My father face turned angry and he barked "why would we answer your question if you are no use to us? You will gain what you need. But we will be stuck here for who knows how long"

"I don't care about that. Answer this alone. Did you take drugs during your pregnancy?"

At first Grace face mocked shock and she had a wide smile "Oh you want a answer. Here you go then. I blessed your sister by taking drug each and every day during and after pregnancy".

That's it. I grabbed her neck in a strong hold ready to choke her to death. But James pulled me from her and held me there. I was crying at this point. If the test results prove my assumptions, then life will be hard for my little sister. No matter what, I will take care of her with my life.

With new found determination I looked at them and said my final words "rot in hell till you live" with that I took James out of the waiting room to his jeep.

I started to cry hard even when I'm trying to stay strong for my siblings, but I can't.

"Adrien, sorry to ask. What will happen if drugs are taken during pregnancy? What will happen to Kiara?" He placed is hand in mine and waited for my answer.

"Lot can happen they can die or they will have growth problems. It starts from certain age and today Kiara had her first symptom. That's why I told you to take the test, I know my parents took drug. But I didn't expect them to go to this extent."

James hit his hand in the steering wheel, I flinched. His eyes softened "Sorry, I got angry. How can one do that to their own child? Sick bastards".

"I don't want to be near them anymore. Can we go and see Kiara" I pleaded and he agreed. We drove off.

Just in time when we went inside, Kiara started to wake up.

"Bubbie up" She asked me with grabby hands. I took her and sat her in my lap she snuggled closer and relaxed.

Her eyebrows knit together and touched my cheeks. I didn't know I started to cry again.

"No cry bubbie" her eyes welled up. I quickly wiped my tears and forced a smile and flicked her nose.

She scrunched her nose and laughed "No princess I won't cry. Please don't be sad"

She didn't reply just cuddled close to me and placed her thumb in her mouth and suckled.

"Princess, tomorrow we are going to see your two more bubbies. They are very happy to see you."

Her eyes widened "more bubbies for me".

"Yes, princess more bubbies for you. They will play with you, feed you and sleep with you. They will make you happy".

She wiggled a happy dance in my lap and clapped her hands excitedly.

"I take it, you are also happy to meet them."

But first I need to go to this trial and set all things right in place. Then we can have a happy family.

I looked up to see James watching us with adoration with an emotion I didn't know. I cannot disturb this feeling for James and I didn't know whether he feels the same about me.

Let's see what the future holds.....


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Lots of love


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