CHAPTER FOUR: Establishment In Three Years

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Adrien POV:

These three years have been filled with all kinds of emotions but it didn't stop us from our goal.

I have completed my medicine by the time we arrived and took my residence for 1 year in one of the most prestigious hospital "Hemilton Hospital" and became an successful surgeon and specialized in child care.

My second brother Liam went to college and did part time job in super-market and also worked as a bartender in local club. Then he trained to become a police officer in NYPD. He is good at his job. Don't say that I said that about him. His ego will inflate ten times.

As for my last brother Damon he is going to finish college and planned to take football as his career. He is a great player in his college team and he is currently waiting for the selection team to arrive. He is also helping in financial by working at auto-mechanic shop.

This is not the major achievement we did. One of the best things that happened to us is that escaping from that horrible place in Paris. We were fortunate with the help of friends we escape. But some are not as fortunate as us. So we creted a trust name "Love For Family".

This trust was created by us after 1 year of escape. We struggled to find a place, office and so on to start the trust. But when we started to research we got help from two of our new friends Luke and Chris.

Luke is an realtor and fund raiser where as Chris is an Lawyer. We got well and worked without any hitch because they both also endured the same abuse as us but by different circumstances.

We started it small by with 2 to 3 people. My department is to tend to their wounds and treat them physically and mentally. Since Liam is in police he will bring people who were abused with his colleagues help when they are in raid and patrol.

Luke raises fund in social media to provide them with basic needs with food, shelter, etc. Chris is our go to lawyer he will help people in legal way by separating them from toxic relationship through court and sending the abusers to jail.

My little brother Damon will help them in finding the jobs or some times he will teach the younger ones in the trust.

These were the achievements we did in these past three years.

Little did they know that their little sister was suffering all those years....

Since we were able to save some money by working various jobs we bought a new house for us with 4 bedroom, living room, kitchen, 2 bathroom and a yard.

Since we were able to save some money by working various jobs we bought a new house for us with 4 bedroom, living room, kitchen, 2 bathroom and a yard

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