CHAPTER SEVEN: First Moment With Kiara

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Adrien POV:

We are on our way to see Kiara. The silence in the jeep is unbearable. To break the silence I spoke "Did you take her to the hospital?"

James glanced at my way and averted his eyes back to the road and said "I cleaned her wounds and patched her with bandage. She was not comfortable to leave my side".

He added "You should be prepared, she is malnourished and her bones stick out clearly through her skin".

I sucked a sharp breathe "Don't worry I can handle it. I am a surgeon and a child specialist".

He placed his hand on top of mine through centre console in a comforting manner "Nothing can prepare you when it comes to your own flesh and blood".

I didn't reply. I just stared out through the window.

James pulled his jeep to a halt infront of a diner. I raised my eyebrows in confusion at James.

"Look you must be hungry. I know for a fact you must've not ate anything in the flight for 8 hrs. Let's get you some food."

He is right. I was very anxious the whole way that I skipped my lunch and dinner. I tried to protest but at the same time my stomach grumbled unhappily.

I sighed "Okay, I slipped 2 meals already. It won't do any good for any of us."

Then we walked into the diner. A chirped waitress came to attend our table.

"Welcome to Food Hub. What would you like to have sir?" She glanced at my way.

I ordered "2 bacon sandwich and a latte, please." she wrote my order and turned to James.

"I will have the same". With that the waitress went to pick our order.

We finished our food with little conversation about my parent's case. The police have found drug storage in their room and my parents were caught red handed with proof when they tried to hurt Kiara. I nearly yelled at that.

"How could you let that happen?"

"Calm down Adrien. We stopped before he hit her. The action is enough proof for this case"

"When is the trial? Whether I need to be there?"

"The trial will be tomorrow. We need a statement from you and your brothers about why you escaped."

"I can come to trial but I won't disclose my location where we escaped. Can my brothers give video statement?"

"Yes, ofcourse they can. I understand your discomfort. You can say the truth that are necessary to be revealed to prove them guilty."

That eased my mind. We created a new life with so much effort. If any chance the situation goes downhill, we will be safe if they don't know our location.

After eating our food, we hitched the road again.

After 10 minutes....

James parked his jeep in his slot and climbed off his side and ran to my side to open my door. My stomach fluttered at his gesture and feel light headed. He just smirked at me and motioned for me to follow. This man invades my sense in all ways.

He opened a slide door for us to enter. I searched the room and my eyes landed on a small figure napping securely in the couch with her thumb in her mouth. She is so small for her age and underweight. I made a mental note to have full body check up for her. I turned to James and pleaded "Can I have her in my arms?". He nodded.

I walked towards her and took her in my arms and wrapped her tightly in my chest. She snuggled closer to me and sniffed. Then she mumbled "Ad" and her face contained a huge smile.

My heart skipped a bit, I turned sharply to look at James. He was also shocked. "How did she know about me? And said my name by sniffing?"

"I don't know". Before he could say any more, the bundle in my arm wiggled and her eyes fluttered open. She stared at me for a while and took a whiff of my scent.

"Thu smell 'ike Ad" She whispered. I smiled at her sweet incoherent baby words.

"Hi sweetpea. I'm Adrien Thomas, your big brother. What is your name?"

She blinked "bro..ter. bret..her..". I laughed as she tried to pronounce brother.

She got irritated and had a pout in her face "bubbie". I think it pleased her to call brother as bubbie, since her irritation turned to proud.

"You can call me whatever you want, sweetpea. How did you know how I smell and my name?"

She climbed off my lap and went to pick something from her backpack. She brought a t-shirt and hold it towards me. I know that was my shirt with my nickname 'AD' in it. I must've left it.

"Tis is thu" she pointed towards me and shirt. "I gave tis to mama, she said Ad and she throw it in ground".

"I took it, when no mama. I slweep with it daily".

My chest filled with warmth that she had a part of me during these years. I scooped her suddenly and she shrieks with laughter. I was proud that I can make her laugh.

James also has a smile in his face. When he saw me staring, he cleared his throat and said "You need to sign the guardian papers"

I nodded my head and picked Kiara. Suddenly she went limp in my arms. I stopped in my tracks and a lump formed in my throat. When I didn't follow James, he turned to ask but he started to panic at the sight.

Doctor's instinct kicked in and I ordered "James, pick my briefcase from your jeep quick". He dashed off to his jeep.

I placed Kiara in the couch and removed her clothes leaving the diaper. Soon, James came in with my briefcase. I picked my stethoscope and checked her heartbeat, it is getting faint. I have a theory but I need to confirm it. Grabbing a needle, I took her blood sample to run some test.

I took an IV saline set that as nutrients to make her stable. I called James.

He crouched beside me. "What happened to her? Will she be ok?"

"I will inform you later now hang this IV near the couch". He placed a pole which is used for hanging the coats and placed the saline bottle in it. I hooked the IV to Kiara by spotting the correct nerve. I checked my watch.

"She should get stable in 5 minutes or else we need to take her to the hospital"

Me and James waited by her side holding each hand. After 5 agonizing minutes, I checked her vitals.

I visibly relaxed "she is stable now."

After saying the good news James shocked me by a deep hug. Breaking from the hug "Thank god, she is ok. She is very special. We got an instant connection from the first moment. If anything happens to her, I can't live with it."

I smiled at his revelation but my face hardened and asked him "Can you give this blood sample for test. I will prescribe what are the tests to be run"

"Sure, we can drop it off on our way to the prison to visit your parents."

My gaze softened at my sister's sleeping form and replied "Let's wait for 10 minutes. She will be dozed off for 3 hrs. By that time we will pay them the visit".

please god don't confirm my assumptions.....


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