CHAPTER SIX: Flying To Paris

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Adrien POV:

It is around 4 pm. I checked out from my schedules for the day. I packed my things from my desk and went to the HR room.

"Hello Blaine, I need a week off. I have to be in Paris by tomorrow"

Blain looked up from his laptop with worried expression. He is one of my friend to know about our condition.

"Is anything wrong? Whether they found your location"

I took a seat opposite to him and relaxed.

"Today an officer called and said that my parents are in prison for abuse. They have been abusing my sister who was born after our disappearance"

"Oh lord! Don't worry I'll clear your schedule for a week. You take care of your sister"

I shook his hand and thanked him. Then I left his office and got inside my car.

I need to inform Liam and Damon about my travel. I can't hide it from them. These three years we built a bond with trust and no lies between us.

Damon must have came back home from his college by this time. Liam's day usually cut off at 6 but I need him to be at home too. So I decided to call him to get back home.

I called him and put him in the speaker.

"Hey Ad what's up? You won't usually call me at this time"

"Hey sorry about that. Are you busy?"

"No, Just reading the case file. So tell me why did you call" He said. Great.

"I need you to be at home in 15 minutes. I'm on my way home. Urgent family meeting"

His voice got worried "Hey what's wrong? Any problem?"

"Just come home. I can't explain it in the phone".

"Ok man. I will be on time"

Then the line went dead. I drove past the traffic to reach home. After 10 minutes, I reached the familiar driveway and parked my car. I rang the door bell. Damon opened the door when he saw my red shot eye, his face turned into worry. I have been crying the whole way thinking how Kiara has survived all these. Crying out loud she is only 2. Dammit.

I didn't say a word to Damon and plopped myself on the couch and waited for Liam. After 5 minutes, the door bell rang and Damon went to open the room. Liam came running to the living room. He and Damon waited for me to explain what this family meeting is about and why am I crying.

We sit in silence. I was contemplating how to tell my brothers that we escaped happily and left our sister to suffer. How she is covered in bruise. Whether to say it gently or beat around the - my thoughts were interrupted by Liam.

"Ad, you are worrying us. Please say what you have been dying to say"

My prep lines were faded away so I just blurted out "We have a sister".

Both of them were shocked. Damon asked "what are you talking about? From what I know we are the three siblings"

I exhaled a breathe "I too was shocked when I got a phone call from an officer in Paris"

Liam questioned "Are you sure? They might trick us to get our location"

"No Liam, Grace and William were arrested"

Yeah we call them by name. They lost their respect when they abused us.

"What!!" They both shouted.

Liam quickly added "How did they get arrested?"

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