Chapter 4

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The Smell of Attraction

Ok, now he was starting to get pissed. Sure, Draco Malfoy did not, by any means, dislike attention, hell, he adored attention and hated when he didn't have it. But he never before thought he could have too much attention! Or more specifically, attention from those he'd insisted several times, to leave him the fuck alone!

"Nott" he spat, a hiss in his voice which made a few students turn their head to see, "Remove your hand this instant!" he growled, turning furiously glinting eyes on the boy, Nott frowned and huffed sulkily.

"I wish you'd just give it a try, Draco" he all but purred into the other teen's ear. Theo's attempts, instead of getting less frequent with each rejection, were simply starting to get more persistent; he seemed to enjoy Draco's aggression as if it was some sort of challenge. But the blond couldn't exactly try the 'just ignore him' tactic, otherwise he'd end up with the prick molesting him in the corridor!

And then there was Potter, staring at him, again. Seriously, was one infatuated idiot not bad enough? The worst thing was it wasn't even a glare! It was more curious than anything else, and if he glanced out the corner of his eye now, he could see Harry's brow crinkle lightly.

Despite being distracted by the pressing head encouraged by his frustration, a smirk crawled over Draco's lips as his brilliant mind conjured up a way to toy with both of his irritations at once.

Making sure Theo was watching -which wasn't hard since he wouldn't take his eyes of him for Merlin's sake- the slender male turned slightly in his seat. His grey eyes glittered with mischief as he cocked his head lightly to the side, blond hair brushing across his forehead, in an almost innocent looking gesture. What made it far from innocent, however, was when Draco parted his lips slightly and slowly dragged the tip of his tongue across his lower lip and traced one of his fangs with the pink muscle. His eyes were fixated on Harry as he gave a flirtatious smirk, the seduction that had oozed from the simply motion not going unnoticed.

Amusement immediately swelled in his chest as he saw the shock on the Golden Boy's face, followed by clumsy, flustered scrabbling for a quill as the Gryffindor proceeded to quickly jot down the notes like they were supposed to be doing. The small commotion however gained a few queer looks from his friends and some muffled whispering around the dank dungeon which caused Draco to mentally cackle loudly in delight at affecting Potter in such a manner.

He didn't notice Theo's murderous gaze on him however, a small growl escaping his lips. He was not happy, no, not one bit.


"Harry, are you ok?" The boy in question turned to face his bushy haired friend. Hermione was looking at him with concern; concern which was completely justifiable seeing as dinner had consisted of Harry either glaring a hole in his steak or shared glowers between Malfoy and Nott.

"Fine" he growled, missing the flinch that crossed her face at the deep, throaty resonance that accompanied this new sound. It wasn't horrible, no, it was deep and powerful and he was fairly pleased to see -Although he'd deny it completely- that Draco seemed to have picked up on the sound, even from across the hall. His ears were perked and eyes alert as he hunted out the sound. His eyes of course landed on Harry.

Harry felt his breath lodge in his throat as he locked onto Draco's eyes and found it almost impossible to look away from the stormy eyes that were as mesmerizing as any felines. A slow smirk curled the corners of Malfoy's lips as he held Harry's gaze for a few more seconds before cocking his head lightly and looked away to continued the conversation he'd been having before he'd gotten distracted.

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