Chapter 6

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Everything's Tense

Hogwarts had been particularly tense the passed few days. Of course, everyone knew exactly the cause, but at the same time, didn't know the reason for said cause, much to everyone's curiosity. One of the main disruptions being the two most acknowledged students within Hogwarts.

One particular Slytherin Prince had upped his 'I'm a nasty git get out of my way' behaviour by about a hundred times what it had been previously and everyone was suffering the blond's livid wrath. He would literally prowl the corridors and pounce on any poor unsuspecting student who even remotely glanced at him in some 'funny' way (Although not literally pounce of course).

Hell, even though he'd forgotten he possessed a wand the passed few days, no one seemed any less fearful, Malfoy had looked about ready to savage some poor little first year that hadn't gotten out of his way fast enough, if Pansy hadn't of hexed the poor thing out the way they would have felt a lot worse than a simple little hex. And the worst part was that no one even knew the reason for this abysmal mood other than a tight lipped few.

The other puzzle that was baffling the students of Hogwarts was none other than everyone's Golden Gryffindor. The antsy behaviour that the brunet had been displaying, although wittingly, was beginning to concern his fellow Gryffindors, they hadn't seen Harry this broody and troubled since before Voldemort's death and the boy's inability to remain still for very long and his constant pensive expression was starting to draw attention from the other houses.

Not only that, but the sudden decline in fights between said Gryffindor and Slytherin seemed to have the gossip mill buzzing, wondering what was wrong with the two long term rivals. It only added fuel to the file when the two boys ran into each other, although hit was a rare occurrence, and Draco's calm façade faltered and Harry's eyes would widen almost comically before they beat a hasty retreat from the other.

And to top it off, not only had Draco and Harry ceased their infamous Corridor clashes but the emotions usually put into them seemed strangely misplaced. Although Draco kept to his role as the sneering, insulting, insolent prick he was, Harry not longer reacted to the jibes, of course his brow would furrow with irritation but he would only gaze at the Slytherin Prince with rapt curiosity.

However what had everyone reeling was the fact that Harry's hostility had instead, it seemed, fallen on Theodore. The two boys, much to everyone's bemusement, had already crossed paths and left the majority with harsh words and threats thrown. No violence as of yet, but anyone who wasn't blind could see the strange new aggression bubbling beneath the surface of their insults and snarls.

Ron, Hermione, Blaise and Pansy could watch on helplessly, although they wouldn't admit it, as things began to elevate between the lionised males. The foreseeable future was incredibly foggy and they simply couldn't guess what would happen next, things were volatile enough at the moment with the rising aggression and restless males.


"Merlin Draco, are you sure this is the last of them!"

The blond turned, arms folded across his chest as he looked to the other boy as he collapsed onto his bed, Blaise's weary body spread-eagled on the dark green, silk covers which caused Draco's jaw to twitch in annoyance.

"Don't be such a bitch Blaise" the boy scowled, looking at the clothes he was now neatly arranging into his wardrobe with small flicks of his wand as the clothes obediently hovered in the air before hanging themselves up or folding and tucking themselves neatly into the drawers opened for them.

"Sorry, but you lost all right to call me a bitch when I just had to haul tons of clothes and hair products here while you're the one storming around grumping like your on your bloody period!"

𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora