Chapter 9

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Playing Games

Warnings: Sexual encounters between two males, it's not terribly bad but if you don't like, please don't read, I don't enjoy flames x3


That line signifies that a sex scene or explicit content is ahead. When you see the second line, that's the end of said scene and is once again safe to read :D

"Harry please calm down!" the exasperated tone done little to soothe the fidgety Gryffindor as he fussed about the dorm room, Hermione and Ron perched on his bed watching him as he rifled through his trunk and wardrobe to look for something to wear.

Already several rejected items lay scattered on the floor as he continued to rummage, survey and eventually dismiss each thing he pulled out, making a small sound of dismay with each cast off.

"But Hermione! I need to find something he'll like!" Ron made an disgruntled sound at the words, clearly not approving of his friend's motive to his sudden interest in his appearance.

Hermione was a bit more understanding as she stood and put a hand on the tense shoulder as Harry discarded yet another pair of trousers.

"Harry calm down" coaxed the witch gently again, "Maybe Seamus or Neville have something you can borrow?" she suggested and smiled with relief as she saw her friends eyes light up behind his glasses. His hair spiked his frames, still shiny and damp from his shower.

In the end, after locating Neville, Seamus and Dean, they returned to the task of hunting down a suitable outfit for Harry that would impress his current fascination. Hermione only agreed to help to try and snag the blond because Harry had proved that he wasn't about to rape Draco anytime soon.

Although Harry most certainly wouldn't have minded jumping that delicious Slytherin body.

"What about this, Harry?" the Irishman questioned, pulling out a pair of close fitting black jeans, close fitting being a bit of an understatement.

Eyeing them appreciatively with a grin, Harry dropped his trousers -Hermione gasping and averting her eyes (Occasionally)- as he took the trousers and attempted to pull them on, grunting with the effort. "Bloody hell, Seamus. Do you often carry second skins around with you?" he growled lightly as he took them off and promptly tossed his boxers aside as well before drawing the jeans up a second time.

He felt more relieved now he didn't have the annoying material of his boxers bunched up beneath the tight jeans. He adjusted the trousers as he removed his too large shirt - a Dudley hand-me-down- and glanced at the mirror, musing at the appearance of the black jeans against his smooth tanned skin. They looked a bit plain...

As if reading his mind, Seamus tutted. "You're a tricky customer Potter" he smirked good naturedly as he drew out a belt, black with silver square studs in three rows that circled the entire length of the belt.

Smirking and accepting the belt he thread it through the loops but left it fastened loosely, it was more for decoration. The skinny jeans most certainly did not need any more support.

Now they just needed the shirt....

With all four of them digging through their belongings (Ron deciding not to bother with his brother's own second-hand clothes) and Hermione rifling through Harry's things, there was eventually a small selection of shirts laid out on the bed for them to chose from.

A few were dismissed right off before there was some talk between the small assortment of Gryffindors before two others were eliminated. Hermione suddenly adopted a thoughtful expression and took the casual, long sleeved, button up shirt lying on the duvet and turned it from the ocean blue it was to the ever Slytherin shade of green.

𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz