Chapter 10

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He's Planning Something

Warnings: more sexual trysts! seeing as you guys wanted more Draco/Harry action, here you go!

Key reminders:



'Emphasis in thought'

"Well isn't someone positively glowing today"

Draco chose to ignored the particularly smug remark from Pansy as he waltzed up towards his usual sitting place at the centre of the Slytherin table. As was the way of the Slytherin Table Hierarchy.

However, the curious Snakes who heard this rather loud comment, couldn't help but peak a glance at the usual impassive and -lately- grumpy ice prince. Those who did risk a glance, did a double take, jaws dropping.

Hell, Draco may have well as been literally glowing. Because the Slytherins would have found that much less shocking than the fact that Draco Malfoy was almost smiling!

Faltering at the wide-eyed looks of disbelief he was getting, Draco swiftly sent a few vicious glares in certain directions and once all eyes had been rapidly diverted he proceeded to sit between his companions. He casually took a piece of toast and began to butter it, not looking at either of his friends.

Pansy was watching him curiously, Draco doing his best to ignore the attentive stare. He managed to smirk at her rather than smile, although he did almost slip up. Damn his good mood.

"What are you staring at Parkinson?" the Slytherin sneered at his friend, but there was no bite in his voice and the girl just continued eyeing him thoughtfully for a few seconds more before she gave a smirk befitting of Malfoy himself.

"So who got in your pants then?"

Draco promptly choked on his toast.

Blaise quickly gave the blonde a few rough smacks to the back to dislodge the toast but Draco swatted him away sharply, ignoring the sulky huff from the boy and blinked away the moisture from his eyes that had accumulated in response to his near death experience -yeah right-.

He growled, glaring at Pansy who was looking innocently back.

"I don't kiss and tell, Pans" he responded curtly, brow arching as the girl gave an unflattering snort and burst out laughing, even Blaise was chuckling at his other side and Draco felt annoyed at being left out, not seeing what was so funny.

"No...Draco" the girl snickered, talking between chuckles, "You don't...kiss and tell, kiss and brag" This sent a few nearby Slytherin's off as well and Draco's ears pinned back sharply.

Infuriated that they were laughing at him he snarled -literally- at them to shut up, the laughter quickly died. No one was stupid to mess with Draco when he started embracing his 'inner Gryffindor' as the other Slytherins like to secretly call it. They knew very well that those particular threatening sounds meant the blonde boy was reaching the end of his tether.

Glaring at his fellow Slytherins he diverted his gaze elsewhere in the hall, eyes immediately picking out Harry. His grey eyes locked onto the ruffle-haired Gryffindor, whom was looking straight at him -no doubt hearing the snarl moments earlier- and his mind filled with the naughty replays of the night before. Where Potter had his lips and teeth biting there way across his flesh while their hips ground in tantalising rhythm.

The moans and growls echoing in his head and he felt the hairs on the back of his neck prickle with excitement at the memories. So caught up he didn't notice Pansy prodding him in the side.

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