Chapter 5

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The Feminine Role

"Ok Harry! Spill!"

Harry found himself virtually thrown into the plush crimson armchair in the Gryffindor common room. He grumbled and righted himself to make himself at least a tad more comfortable, settling with his legs folded beside him and arms crossed on the arm of the chair with his head resting on them. Partially curled up or languidly stretched out had become favourable positions for the young Gryffindor.

Currently Harry felt rather fed up with his two best friends, since he'd had to endure their constant reminders for him to tell them about the minor incident with Malfoy that had occurred earlier that day.
It had taken a lot of restraint not to snap at them, which he was pretty sure would have come out as a snarl or something. If anything, most sounds he made were from his lion counterpart, when he growled, snarled or roared, he done so literally. He was afraid of what other sounds may escape him at some point.

He sighed as he looked at the eager faces peering at him and he licked his lips tentatively. " know that smell, I've mentioned a few times?"

"You mean the one you keep moaning about constantly?"

Harry narrowed his eyes at Ginny who had once more joined them, swaggering over and plopping herself down beside Ron. Harry huffed and sulked momentarily before continuing. "Yeah, that one...well I really couldn't concentrate today because of it, and it was driving me mad not knowing what it was and it smelt so..." he groped for a word, biting his lip hesitantly. If he said 'delicious' and then introduced Malfoy into the conversation, they were sure to get the wrong idea, or the right idea...truthfully, harry wasn't all that sure anymore.

"Nice..." was the best he could come up with. "And I just had to find out what it was because seriously I couldn't even remember what class I'd been in at the time," he was met with eager nods for him to continue. "So, I ran out of class to find out what it was, and I'd discovered it moved, hence why I was out so fast" he explained, remembering his more leisurely -yet unsuccessful- chases after the source of the smell.

He swallowed, now the harder bit. "And well, I chased it and I ran into Malfoy" he explained, pausing briefly as Ron muttered 'git' and a few other choice words under his breath.

"Go on Harry" Hermione insisted, wanting to see what had conspired between the two, although he was sure he could see a shadow of concern in her eyes, but he brushed it aside.

"Well, I just sort of sat there, staring at him. The smell was really strong...and it was then I realised that the smell was coming from Malfoy" he muttered, his last words giving away to silence as his friends stared at him dumbly. He could see the gears working in their heads, now he was just waiting for the expressions of horror.

"Oh dear" Hermione muttered, fingers toying with the hem of her skirt. This reaction causing more than a small prickle of interest to rise as she attracted their attention, but they didn't interrupt; she had that distinct 'I'm working something out, don't bother me' look and so they compliantly allowed her to mull what she'd just been told in peace.

"I think we should take this to Dumbledore now, Harry" she frowned, her words spurring surprise within the small group.

"Why?" he questioned, wondering if the witch had found something she hadn't yet told him about. Was there a danger? A frown met his lips, the hairs on the back of his neck prickling with unease. Something had obviously worried Hermione which unnerved him greatly.

"Well..." Hermione nibbled her lip thoughtfully. "I found a potion that has surprisingly similar results to what is happening with you, Malfoy and Nott, and if I'm correct, Malfoy's going to need a bit of protection" she explained quietly, surprising those around her before both Weasley's looked at Harry anxiously, expressions he'd seen far too many times before.

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