Chapter 15

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Presents, Prats, and Problems


The blonde looked towards the door at the high girly -and fake- voice of Pansy, a pale brow arched to the trim blonde fringe. A moment later his door opened and in came Pansy, green wrapped parcel beneath her arm. He eyed it curiously as the girl closed the girl and she smirked, knowing exactly what Draco Malfoy was like when it came to presents.

"Hey there Leo" she smirked teasingly, setting the present down on the immaculately made bed, Draco sitting at his desk in the plush, stiff backed chair. He looked to the girl who had now lowered her voice to it's normal tone and volume.

"I saw something rather interesting while on my way here" she said offhandedly, perching on the bed with one leg crossed neatly over the other. Draco waited before sighing and taking the bait.

"Really, and what could that have possibly been?" the blonde question, slight impatience masked with a cool tone.

"Nott and Potter duking it out" she smirked. "Over you. Again" she tutted, shaking her head. "You know, I don't say this often Draco, but I think it's time to call off this little game, someone's going to get hurt" she warned. "And there's a pretty good chance it's going to be either you or Potter" she warned.

"And why Potter, pray tell?" the girl let out a small laugh.

"Well I wouldn't think he'd give you a Christmas present if he just thought of this thing as a casual fuck, Dray" she responded, her voice imitating Draco's infamous drawl almost perfectly, however the blonde seemed anything but convinced. But with that said she reached over to the small box and tossed it gently to the blonde who caught it with ease and set in on his lap.

His ears were perked with curiosity and his eyes lit up with glee like a child at Christmas. And in some ways he still very much was. Without a moments hesitation he used his sharpened nails to easily slice away the wrappings and tore of the green Christmas paper.

Only to meet a second layer of red beneath it.

The blonde hesitated and frowned before he tore this one off as well, met with yet another layer of blue with little snowmen splattered over the paper.

Then a layer with penguins.

Then one of a snowy Christmas tree.

And then back to green.

"Oh, he may have also mentioned a spell to stop you opening it until Christmas"

Draco glared at the girl, "Oh well thanks so much, I could never have figured it out without your help!" he snapped, making Pansy giggle.

"Sarcasm is unbecoming, Mr Malfoy" she smirked, shaking her head and reached over, scratching his ear gently and the blonde's eyes fluttered slightly before he jerked his head away, pouting.

"Anyway, Potter says Merry Christmas" she added as she pushed herself up from the bed brushing down her skirt and heading for the door, looking back over her shoulder to see Draco holding the box up and shaking it lightly, fluffy ear pressed to the side, only to let out a sound of annoyance when it remained silent.

She stifled a laugh as she slid out the door, leaving the boy to sulk over his present.


Harry awoke on Christmas to the expected and not so. At the foot of his bed sat the usual small mound of present which brought a smile to his face. Rock cakes -quite literally it seemed- from Hagrid, Some toffee, the usual jumper and some socks -to keep extra snug according to the note- from Mrs Weasley and of course the various items from Hermione and Ron, Ginny so on and so forth. As well as a few from admirers and hopeful suitors which he set aside for later examination.

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