Chapter 18

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Lesson Finally Learned

"I hate this; I swear on bloody Merlin's grave I hate him!"

Blaise watched the frequently recurring scene of Draco pacing back and forth in front of the hearth in the mostly empty common room -a few younger years were lingering in the corners-. It was by no means an uncommon sight to see Draco Malfoy ranting about the famed Harry Potter, having been bitter rivals and all that. But there was only so much Blaise could take of the blond's furious ranting, especially when it was obvious the ire came from Draco being dropped by the Golden Boy despite Draco's denial.


The blond's head snapped up as his low, growling mantra was interrupted. His grey eyes landed on Blaise and he proceeded to glower menacingly at the dark skinned boy, but Blaise didn't flinch. He'd long since grown used to Draco's bouts of temper and crippling glares.

"Honestly Draco, it's been three weeks. Surely if you didn't give a damn about Potter you would have gotten over him by now!" the boy reasoned irritably, looking back at the animated Ice Prince who's long, pale tail lashed and flickered with agitation. It had barely stopped its aggressive motions since Harry had called off their little affair.

"There's nothing to get over Blaise! I've told you for the last time! I. Don't. Like. Him!"

The snarl caused Blaise to consider a new tactic to broach the subject. He'd learned to read the signs early on in his friendship with the tight-lipped blond and pondered his next move quietly, knowing if he played it right he would finally get some answers. Aware of the angrily glinting grey eyes Blaise lifted his gaze to meet them and calmly raised a brow.

"Well if it doesn't bother you, why are you still so upset about it?" he asked, voice taking on a calm drawl, hoping it would remind Draco that purebloods weren't meant to throw childish temper tantrums. He –as well as Pansy- knew a furious Draco was a dangerous one, especially when he was more than likely to bite, scratch and go for the kill in a fit of rage. "Besides, you have Theo, so I don't see your problem." Blaise shrugged, an expression of innocence and confusion artfully painted on his face.

Draco's posture almost instantly corrected itself. Drawing his shoulders back he seemed to regain some composure and control over his anger. His tail however, seemed to have a life of its own as it lashed and swung, the only display of emotion now that Draco had dawned his blank mask.

"I'm not upset, Blaise" Draco responded curtly, his voice clipped. "Not about the loss of the affair at any rate. And anyway, Theo's hardly the competent lover Harry was.".

Blaise masterfully hid his surprise as he eyed the tense figure while he reached forward to pick up his forgotten quill and essay on the table. Setting it on his lap to study it as he spoke, he reclined in the chair, the perfect image of nonchalance. Silently he watched Draco from the corner of his eye, his imposing figure was softened by the glow of the firelight that touched his pale face and highlighted the strangely wistful expression. The usually alert eyes looked oddly vacant.

"So if you're not upset, why the cursing Potter to hell and back? He's barely said a word to you since he broke it off."

He didn't miss Draco's, ever so slight, flinch.

"That's the thing Blaise, he broke it off. No one ever drops a Malfoy" the blond growled, a dangerous, deep note rolling under his words. His pale ears twitched as he turned to gaze into the fire, folding his arms across his chest as his brow furrowed in thought.

"So you would rather have Potter as a lover than Theodore?" he asked suddenly, surprising the blond by the sudden turn. He noted that Draco didn't respond right away, but looked vaguely indecisive. "I mean, you now have Theo exclusively but you still get worked up over Potter." Blaise pressed.

𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora