Is he dead..?

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Chapter 15
^3rd Person POV^

Ganyu gaze at Aether's blonde hair slowly fading into a bloody one. She smiled. "I have been waiting ages to do that." She kicked the Blondie and continued talking to him. "I never knew you were that sensitive for a man like you."

She eventually left without being caught and head back to her friends.

"Hey guys! You seem worried, what's wrong?" Hu Tao and Albedo turned around to her. "We can't find Aether. He has been missing for 10 mins now.." Albedo sighed worried.

"Awh.. I didn't even notice." Ganyu swung her leg back and fourth innocent.

"But hey.. at least we found you." Ganyu smiled "where is Xiao?" She asked. "Hu Tao lift her shoulders up. "He was here 4 mins ago. He said he is looking for his love~" Hu Tao laughed. Ganyu couldn't bring herself to make an unamused face. "Um.. don't you think annoying them is kind of, annoying?"

Albedo shake his head. "No, besides there dating anyways. What's the deal?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"Lets find Xiao."

^Xiao's POV^

I looked in every direction possible to find Aether. Ugh.. I shouldn't have fell for Ganyu's trap. I should've told my friends that Ganyu was this naive.  I was too focused on the blonde.

I have been searching for 10 mins now but still haven't found him. My Anxiety started to flood and became worried sick.

"Oh hey Xiao! Are you here to see-." Firume waved at Xiao excitingly. Xiao pushed Firume immediately away without thinking and continued searching for Aether quiet.

He started to give up and decided to look for him after class. He doesn't want to be late and miss his lessons.

He turned back around to return into his classroom and took deep thoughts were Aether could be. "Maybe her ran away from school." I guessed. There is probably more reason why but I wanted to push it all back off and focus on my lessons first.

While Attending history with Ms. Yae, she looked at me in every 2 minutes for the whole lesson. I found it perhaps weird because she is usually just busy being all perfect and clear with her lessons.

After class Ms. Yae held my hand. "Xiao, could you please stay here for a little? I want to give you hints on where to find Aether." Ms. Yae said.

How does she know? Am I being to obvious for her to notice, it is she just someone who can look trough walls?

"U-Uhm.. Okay?" I said unsure. She looked around making sure none is around us. Then she slowly whispered in my ear. "Ask a bard with a Lyre on his hands, ask him to play his Poem Solar Eclipse. Then you will eventually figure out."

I didn't quite understand what she meant. Why would I ask the Bard to play his Poem Solar Eclipse? But for Aether I will do it. I thanked Ms. Yae for the confusing hint and left the classroom to find Venti nearby the rooftop.

When I saw him in sight, his face was all covered with worry. "Play th Solar Eclipse again." I commanded him. He looked up at me surprised. "Xiao wants to listen to my latest Poem? That is quite new!" Venti took out his Lyre. "Hey and.. do you have any idea where Aether is? Last nighy was a total disaster! I poured my drink into his mouth and I think he is mad at me.."

Venti sighed. I shrugged my shoulders sad, not knowing where he is either. "The newest sentences that I haven't performed or the full?"

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