Another hangout?

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Chapter 9

^Xiao's POV^

I was texting my father alone while waiting for my friends to come to the school gates. Last week, I was so busy with my friends and Aether, that I completely forgot about my fangirls. A brown haired girl walked towards me and tried to hug me from behind. But someone stopped her. Fumire, she pushed her off and said "get lost." The girl ran away quickly inside the school, Fumire turned around to me. "Everything alright?" "Yea now go." I said. I stuffed back my phone inside my pocket and turned to Fumire annoyed around. Fumire giggled. "Hehe, want to walk inside the school together?" I shake my head and crossed my arms. Fumire laughed sad and happy somehow at the same time.

Behind Fumire, I spotted a blonde male. He ran towards me. "Hello Iao!" He ran past Fumire and hugged me. I had no expression but let him hug me. I like it when he hugs me. It is like he is warming me up like a sunshine. I was about to hug him back but he released the hug. (Poor Xiao)

"Want to walk to school inside together?" Aether asked bright. I couldn't help but nod. He took my hand was about to lead me inside the school but "Hey! What are you trying to do with him?!" Fumire shouted. Aether turned shocked around and looked at Fumire. She was all mad around her face. "Get away from Xiao!" She was about to snatch my hand away from Aether but he moved my hand beside.

"And who are you? Another fangirl?" Aether raised an eyebrow. "Y-YOU- NO IM NOT! I AM HIS BESTFRIEND!" Fumire screamed mad and furious. Aether covered his ears. "Geez.. no need to be so loud.." Aether rolled his eyes. "Oh? And who you might be?" Fumire smiled but it wasn't a happy one.

"Me? I am his friend, aren't I Xiao?" Fumire and Aether both looked at me waiting for an answer. I sweat and didn't know what to do. "Uhm.. yes he is." I slowly said unsure. "See?" Fumire wasn't convinced yet tho. "I don't care if you are his friend, i am his best friend so I should walk to school with him together!" Aether ignored her and lead me to the school. Right were he was about to open the door, Future ran towards him and pushed him hardly off the floor. Of course it caused Aether to fall off but.

Since I was still *cough cough* holding hands with him. We both fell down. Totally good start like really. My hands were between Aether's Head to not fall on Aether. I was on top of him and our faces were really close to each other.

My face slowly turned red and so does Aether's. Is he mad? He covered his face more redder than ever. "Uhh.. H-Hey.. are you okay?" With courage, I removed his hands away from his face. I saw a flustered face from behind then I immediately blushed more cause of his cute face.

I turned around to avoid blushing more. Fumire was just standing there speechless and mad. Her face was all red and stomped on the floor hard. She eventually left and went inside the school. "Two little, lovebirds making out in public." Hu Tao sang proud towards them. Me and Aether quickly got up out of shame and distance ourselves. "Sorry Iao!" Aether apologized multiple times. I just nodded. "I think we have science." Aether's face cooled down and was desperate. "Oh alright. See you!" Ganyu and Hu Tao went in quickly and giggled at themselves. "What are they laughing at?" Aether asked. I shrugged. "We should get inside." I preferred. Aether nodded.

We both went inside and head to class. Of course I knew that I was working with Fumire and Aether with Venti cause of that conflict. I groaned and sat beside Fumire. She gave me a Hydro splasher, our project and asked me to repair them. I nodded and took the splasher out of her hand and started scrubbing it. Then Fumire took a splasher herself and looked at me like if she was waiting for something. When I looked at her she looked back away and concentrated on the splasher. Then she purposely pressed on the button to activate the splasher and splashed it on herself. "Oh! Silly me, I accidentally splashed the water on myself hehe~" Fumire winked at me. That moment reminded me on that time, where Aether got splashed. "Stop referencing Aether." I defended him. Fumire was shocked. "What..?" I closed my eyes. "Just go change." Fumire disappointedly left the class to go change and I looked at Aether laughing with Venti. Hm. I wished I could be as cheerful as Venti and laugh with Aether. But I can't change for him. That would be too obvious.

After class Fumire ran towards me and hooked her arm around mine. "Want to eat lunch together?" I shaked my head aggressively and tried to walk away. But Fumire wasn't the one to stop yet. "Oh and did you see Aether's earrings? He copied me! Look at mine." She pointed at her ear that looked exactly like Aether's "Aether wore those Al since he transferred into this school idiot." I slapped myself and walk away.

Then the rest of the day returned all normal. The fan girls were chasing me, I did maths, history, English and Chinese. I even got the chance to hit Mr. Childe. He said "EXCUSE ME?! I AM YOUR HISTORY TEACHER AND YOU SHOULD RESPECT ME!" Of course I didn't listen because he is like an uncle. Cause my father and him were friends in high school and they have k own eachother for a while. They studied together, made it in college together and they even live next to eachother. So basically I don't have to respect him. I can treat him basically like a literal asshole. But doing that would also make me expelled so I rarely do that.

I came home, tired and exhausted. I fell on my bed and had nothing to do. So I decided to waste my courage, by texting Aether.

Xiao: Hello
Xiao: ....

I waited for an answer.
I waited and waited for about 4 for him to reply.
Then I eventually turn off my phone and decide to eat something as a snack. I opened the fridge and took out a glaze lily yoghurt and scoop it in my mouth. I scrolled trough ImpactTok and watched some shorts.
After my 3rd yoghurt, I got a message.

Xiao: Hello
Xiao: ...
Aether: Iao?

Oh I got a text from Aether. I smiled and continued texting him.

Xiao: Hello
Xiao: ...
Aether: Iao?

Xiao: yea it's me

Aether: oh hii!
Aether: how did you get my number?

Xiao: I uh go it from Hu Tao

Oh alright
Why did you text Me?

Cause I'm bored

Do you want me to cure it?

Do what you want

Lol ok
Want to hang out together?

Depends where

Wanna go to a cafe?

Where exactly

Hm.. How about starsnatch street?


4PM is it fine?
It's fine

Oki see you!

Yea whatever

I turned off my phone. I'm going to hang out with Aether! I got a little excited and took my keys and grabbed 900 Mora. I went outside, locked the doors and took a bus to Starsnatch street.

Sorry if this is short very sorry 😢
But anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Btw I am actually trying to post daily or 5 times a week so I won't keep you guys waiting! Make sure to follow or vote it really helps me^^
Words: 1305
Have pleasant day!😫❤️
And good luck pulling on Ayato and Venti :D

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