✞Birthday Party✞

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Chapter 12
6 months later

^3rd Person^

At class Aether couldn't pay attention at all! It was his birthday but none knew! They were all focused for class, but it's all okay for him. He will give them invitation cards anyways.

But he hopes his friends knew it was his birthday. He's been hanging out with them for 6 months after all. Ms. Lisa gently pointed her fingers on the board to tell them, answering the math question.

The whole class immediately took out their books and started writing. "Alright cuties, since it's such a nice weather, we will go outside!" Ms. Lisa smiled and looked at the window. It was a nice weather, Aether thought and looked at the windows. "Want to hear my newest poems?" Venti asked beside me. "Sure! I haven't heard one from yours in a long time." Aether loved Venti's Poems. And Venti loves Aether listening to his Poems.

Venti smiled and started taking out his lyre.

We partnered up and walked outside. Whew, it was more sunnier than o thought. "Hi." I jumped surprised back.

" Oh- Iao! Want to hang with us?" Xiao nodded quiet. We all talked happily, till Venti pulled out his lyre and started playing his Poem. "My newest Poem is called Solar Eclipse. It reminds me of you 2." Venti pointed at Xiao and me. "H-huh? Why us?" I looked at Xiao. We both made eye contact,

I looked at his hair, flowing trough the wind. His golden eyes were shining bright on the sunlight too.

"It's because, Aether, your blonde as the sun and always have a happy personality and mood. And Xiao is the moon because of his personality too and his hair is silky blue too."

Venti giggled and started playing his Poem. The melody was gently played and I watched Venti playing elegant with the strings. I looked up at the sky and Saw it again.

The eclipse. I smiled calm and looked at Xiao. His expression looked surprised aswell. I zoned out and smiled at him dreaming.

How I wish to be with him.. how sudden, I fell in love with him. For how long? I think 5 months. I can't help but lean closer to him and dropped my head on his shoulder.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed Venti's voice and the melody.

"There were once 2 people that fell inlove with eachother."

"That is where the moon and sun connect together cause of how strong their love is."

"One of them wanted to be with them together forever."

"The other didn't know and treated them good and healthy."

"But one day, the other saw another kissing one of their friends."

"It was a kind friend but turns out it wasn't."

"They ran away and locked themselves in a room where none could see them."

"The betrayal friend found them and talked to them on how much the other deserved better."

"The heartbroken one admitted it and cried continuously.."

"The betrayal friend smiled secretly and knocked out the crying heartbroken person."

"That is where the moon and sun started distancing each other out."

"The moon wanted to find their sun and wanted to apologize of their actions."

"But as soon as they saw the knocked out sun."

"The moon cried for the first time in their life."

Venti stopped. "Hehe sorry I'm not finished with my poem, but that is how far I went!" "Awh! Alright, but that story is so sad! But.. how does that reference me and Xiao?" I asked. Venti smiled secretly. "You will figure it out soon. But anyways, I have to talk to Albedo! See you." Venti walked away to Albedo.

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