t w e n t y n i n e

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Chapter Twenty Nine

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I stared at my phone blankly, not comprehending the photo I'm seeing

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I stared at my phone blankly, not comprehending the photo I'm seeing.



I kept hearing those words over and over. Riley did the one thing I made her promise not to do. And we've only been dating for two weeks.



That was never a good sign.

I felt like a switch has turned on my body, and I angrily walked downstairs, taking deep breaths.

It's like I have 'hurt me' written on my forehead or something.

I reached the living room, where only Nate and Sky were sitting watching something.

As if on cue, Riley walked back inside, a weird expression on her face. "Well look who it is," I said icily.

She looked at me in confusion. "What's up with you?" she asked confusedly.

"You have quite the nerve to ask me that, considering you're the one who's been out meeting up with Heath!" I showed her the photo of her and him, and her eyebrows shot up in shock. "I can't believe you, Riley, after everything we've been through!"

"Leon, I can explain," she started.

"What's there to explain? You went out and met up with him when I was sleeping!" I exclaimed. "End of story!"

Nate and Sky stood up, walking over and standing between Riley and I. "Dude, she was letting him know she's taken, chill," Nate said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"And she couldn't do that over text? A phone call? Why were you even still talking to him, you know he has feelings for you, you kissed him goddamn it!" My speaking was slowly becoming yelling.

I was so mad and so hurt.

"Leon I practically ended all means of communication between us, do you not trust me?!" Riley was also yelling right now. "Because I sure as hell feel like you don't!"

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