Everyone lift their champagne and drink.

Lisa is in range because the guy is heading to her wife. She block Hanbin going near to Jennie.

"Lisa." Jennie silently uttered because she know Lisa hated Hanbin.

"Move Lisa, I'm not here to argue with you, I just want to greet her." Hanbin said in a cocky tone.

"Don't you fucking dare lay a hand to her." Lisa warned.

"Wow, that's really scary." He chuckled. Reason for Lisa about to loose her anger but she saw Jisoo to her peripheral vision that shaking her head like she's stopping her.

Lisa felt someone tap her shoulder and she saw Mr. Kim, she bow at the man.

"What a heated scene, loosen up you two." The old man laugh. "Oh, and you Hanbin boy. You really surprised me back there. Such a successful young man, I like that. If Jennie haven't married yet I would gladly give you a blessing." Jennie's father joke but her daughter gets mad.

"Really Dad? Infront of my wife." Jennie said in anger but she keep her voice lower, she intertwhined Lisa's hand to hers.

"Can I talk to your daughter for a second Mr. Kim?" Hanbin butt in.

"It was a joke princess, and I think Lisa won't mind right?" Her father looks at Lisa, but Lisa didn't say a word.

"It's not a good joke. Excuse us." Jennie walk away with Lisa and go to the side where the foods are. She's really pissed off right now.

"I'm sorry hun." She told at Lisa and put her hand to her wife's cheek.

"It's fine, Thank you for defending me." Lisa said and kiss her wife's forehead.

They stay there and talk about anything and laugh, trying to forget what happened earlier.

"Princess." Jennie turn her head but she ignored her father. "Oh come on, Don't be such a brat."

"Don't be such a insensitive person to be fair." Jennie spit out glaring at her father.

Mr. Kim sigh and about to go when his eyes widened holding his chest that's start to bleed.

Everything went slow Jennie look at her father at a leisurely pace falling at the floor and everyone start to panic.

Lisa whisper to her watch as Moonbyul nod holding an earpiece and quickly went to the building that Lisa immediately noticed where the bullet came from.

Everyone are trying to evacuate then Lisa is looking around while holding her gun at her back.

"Nooooooo!!" Jennie shout and took her Father's head putting to her lap. "J-just open your eyes dad, d-don't leave me here." Jennie said wiping her tears as her father is starting to get hard to breathe.

She's starting to tremble because of how cost of blood she's seeing to her hand and his father's chest. She's giving pressure to it just to stop the bleeding.

"L-lisa, please call an ambulance." Jennie beg to her wife.

Lisa sat across them and look to Mr. Kim's bleeding chest but Jennie won't let her.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! I TOLD YOU TO CALL AN AMBULANCE!?" Jennie yeld, but Lisa keep herself calm and told Jennie that it's on their way.

"Jennie we need to get out of here, it's still not safe." Lisa is pulling her wife but Jennie is fighting not wanting to left her father.

"I don't fucking care! I won't let my father die here!" Jennie told her wife. But Lisa drag her away because another shot of gun heard near them. They run outside because Lisa is looking for her friend that she can't find.

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