"And teenagers can't have crushes?" He still had the half smile but this time he raised a brow. He was so attractive without even trying.

"I'm too grown for him anyway."

"Not for me," He smirked.

"Funny, you don't even know how old I am."

"Okay," He leaned back in his seat and folded his arms. "24?"

"Wrong 25, but good try."

"Close enough,"

"Okay let me guess yours." I assessed his features before I answered. "27?"


"Okay, I was way off," I laughed. "You don't look it, honestly.

"So I've heard."

"I'm sure you've heard a lot of things. So, what do you do for a living?"

"I've been managing my family's business for a few years now. A few investments and things like that." He paused before he continued. "I've been going my own way with it."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Let's just say I didn't agree with how they were running the business before."

And how was that?

I decided not to dig, I doubted he would spill everything after one hangout.

At this time the waiter brought our meals out. I paid a little more attention to him this time. Adriano was right about what he said earlier. He got nervous and flustered once I made eye contact with him.

"Okay, I see what you meant," I laughed softly.

"I know these things Arya, I'm never too far off." He smirked.

"Hmm, I'm sure you aren't."

"How about you tesoro? Before the coffee shop, where did you work?"

I took a bite out of my burger and popped a fry in my mouth. I wasn't a person who ate junk food heavily but I did enjoy a good burger once a while and the food here was really good so far. As Adriano waited for my answer he had a slight smile on his face as he watched me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing," He smiled to himself, then ate his fries.

"Well to answer your question, I lived in Hartsdale and I worked at a small tech company as a software developer. We got a new manager and he let go a few of the workers, me included. I came here for a new start."

"No offense, but why are you working at a coffee shop when you clearly have the qualifications to work at a better place?"

"I love working in tech and it's not something I'm gonna give up, but I wanted a change. I wanna be spontaneous and explore life a bit before I jump back in such a demanding job you know?"

He nodded taking in everything I was saying. Parts of the things I said  was true so it came as a breeze to have this conversation.

"I understand, I was the same when I was younger."

"How long have you been in America? How was the culture change for you?" I asked, curious to see how he was fitting in. He still had an accent but it wasn't as thick.

"It wasn't much of a change because I would spend prolonged times in the states growing up. My father ran his business here, so, he would take my brother and I here to see how things operated. I spent much of my teenage years here and once I turned 18, I was back and forth from here to Italy. I stopped coming here when I was 22."

"What made you come back?"

"My best friend Lorenzo convinced me. He moved here before me and was able start his businesses and run them the way he wants. He knew I wanted the same so he convinced me to try it his way and I've been here ever since."

"Is that working out for you?" I asked.

"I'm halfway there," He smiled but this one didn't reach his eyes.

For someone who's done such shitty things, he seemed really sincere and genuine. But I know better than to buy into this nice guy act. I've seen the aftermath of destruction he caused. So many lives of innocent people, and children all taken because of what he chose to do.

"I'm sure everything will work out the way you wanted it to. Just trust the process," I smiled.

The sound of his phone ringing interrupted our conversation and he excused himself to answer it. I was taking in as much relevant information as I could. Mentally taking notes so I can write them down later. About a minute of so he returned.

"Arya, I'm sorry to cut this short but a work emergency just came up. I have to get going." He grabbed his coat off the back of his chair.

"That's okay, I had a nice time with you anyway." I got up and grabbed my purse.

He dropped a hundred dollar bill on the counter and put his coat on. As we started walking, he put his hands on the small of my back and guided me outside. I was slightly taken off guard but for some reason I didn't hate it?

"Let me make this up to you?" He asked once we reached my car.

"Using this as an excuse to see me again?" I teased.

"Is there something so wrong with that?" He smirked.

"Not at all sir," I mirrored his smirk.

The smirk fell of his face and something flashed through his eyes before he cleared his throat.

What was that?

Just then a black suburban was seen pulling into the parking lot.

"Goodnight Arya," He kissed the back of my hand which left a tingling sensation lingering. "See you soon,"

"Goodnight Adriano,"

He held my car door open. I got in and he shut the door behind me. He stood there watching as I started the car and drove away. As I pulled off, he got in the suburban and drove behind me to the exit of the parking lot.

Undercover Desires (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now