chapter 24

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yn's pov. 

i was out on the beach for a bikini shoot. it was this new designer that wanted to come out of the closet. the designer closet. this was his first shoot and he found a way to contact me to be his model. i stood by to water looking out in the ocean. "now could you stand in the water. i wants the waves in." he said. i nodded and i put my feet in. it was freezing. the wind picked up blowing my hair and i move it out of my face by moving it behind my ear. "that's perfect keep you're hand next to your ear. look out into the ocean." he said. i did as he said. he snapped a few. "great can you put the green one on next." he asked. i nodded and made my way to the makeshift change room and came out in the green. it was ugly but this was a job. i looked at a group of people and one looked very familiar. 

"Rae?" i said more to myself. i made my way back to the shooting area and started posing.

"LORI!" a mans voice shouted. it was someone from gta obviously or else they would of said my real name. i looked towards it. the group started coming over and i smiled when rae and sykkuno was with them. 

"hey. okay so in gta my name is lori. irl is yn." i said. 

"sorry. i thought you used you're real name. i'm blau." he said. 

"are you shooting?" sykkuno said. i nodded. 

"yn. i need you to stand in the water again." the guy shouted not looking over here. 

"okay." i shout back. "give me a minute please." i said to syk and he nodded. 

"you're girlfriend is so pretty sykkuno." a guy said. he sounded like tony a bit. "who are you're friends." he asked. 

"one is my boyfriend and another is my best friend. they rest are friend from online games." i said posing. 

"any of the girls model." 

"i'll have to ask." i said. 

"go ask." he asked. that's not professional. i walked back to them. 

"do any of you girls want to model some bikinis?" i asked. sykkuno looked confused. 

"is that even professional?" he asked. 

"no but he's new to the whole thing so i don't think he knows." i said. rae shook her head. 

"i'm busy now." she said. 

"me too. i'm tori. anthony is my husband." she said. 

"anthony as in tony in gta." 

"yep that's right." he said in his tony voice. i smiled. 

"how long have you been doing that voice?" i asked. 

"a long time. it's normal to me now." he said and i smiled. 

"well it's nice to meet you."

"yn. i found some more models." the guy said and i looked over. they looked to those wanna be prisky spoiled girls. i hope they aren't. one was wearing way too much make up. another kept picking at her long nails. i made my way back. 

"they're busy." i said. the two girls left to go change. 

"what about you're boyfriend. i have some male swimsuits." he said. i sighed and walked back. 

"syk do you want to model?"

"no." he said and i walked off. 

"he said no."

"let me go ask." he said and he made his way to the group leaving me with the girls. i gave a shy smile. 

"you're not even pretty. why are you here?"

"because i'm a real model." i said. 

"i've never seen you in megs or what not."

"i'm not just in megs. i'm in brochers, intsagram-"

"what's you're intsagram."

"yn ln." i said and she searched on her phone. she eyes widen. 

"2.7 mil! you're so ugly though." she said. 

"i'm a gamer too." i said. 

"oh that's why. you don't show you're face right."

"are you usually a bitch." i said getting pissed off. the guy came back with peter. "peter?"

"hey yn."

"listen. i get why you called me but they aren't even models." i said. 

"she's too ugly to be a real model." the girl said. 

"and rude. she called her a bitch." her friend said. 

"seriously. she's just getting what she deserves." i argued back and she charged at me. i dodged her hands and ran. rae ran over. 

"bitch why are you trying to attack her for?" she said. sykkuno held rae back from attacking. i would of done the same. 

"great two more uglys to the main uglys rescue." she said. rae was PISSED. she was swearing left and right trying to get in her face. sykkuno looked pissed off and i just hid behind both of them. i walked back and changed into my clothes and walked out. 

"i can't work with them so i'm respectfully removing myself from the shoot." i said handing back the bikini. "by the way. the green one. ugly." i said and i walked off. i grabbed rae's and sykkuno's hand. "let's go." i said intertwining my fingers with syks. 

"what about your shoot?" he asked. 

"i left." i said. we walked back to the group. "rae just ignore them." i said and and let her hand go.

"wait are you two dating irl too." anthony asked. i nodded. 

"and he says girl's aren't into him."

"i used to say that. now i say only one girl is into me and that's my girlfriend." sykkuno said and i smiled. 

"so if i'm into you does that make you desperate for m- i'm just kidding." i laugh. rae laughed. 

"she even picked up syks habit." she said. sykkuno smiled. 

"so have you two done like couple goals stuff yet." tori asked. 

"what are even couples goal. i just like hanging with her alot." sykkuno said. 

"you know. giving her piggy back rides when heels bug her, or dancing together in a club." tori said. 

"sykkuno is a wild dancer." i said. 

"no i'm not i don't even dance."

"exactly. he's wilding." i laugh. 

"what the heck." he laughed. 

"but seriously. i dance at a studio a lot and syk would come watch me dance when he's not busy streaming." i said. 

"does she still dance in the living room?" rae asked. sykkuno nodded. 

"she doesn't like to stay in one stop she has to be doing something. one of her favourite things to do is to bug me before i start streaming."

"and yet i don't see you complaining." i said looking at him. 

"they are practically a married couple already." rae said. i scoffed. 

"if that were the case then we were already a married couple. i used to do the same thing to you when we were living together, rae senpai."

"again with that nickname." she said fake annoyed. i giggle. 


that's the chapter i hope you liked it. 

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