chapter 22

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yn's pov. 

sykkuno came into the kitchen as i started pulling out ingredients for lunch. "morning to you." i said smiling. 

"morning. uh what time is it." 

"like noon. i'm actually shocked you're up."

"i have to get my first shot today." he said. 

"oh i already have both of mine. comes with the modeling." i said. 

"really. i didn't know. i booked you too. are you going to come with me today." 

"i mean i can if you want. i just don't think they'll let me in with you if i'm already vaccinated." i said. "plus i have a modeling thing this afternoon." i said as my phone buzzed. 

Boss: you don't have to come today. camera guy bailed.

yn: okay.

"nevermind. cameraman bailed." i said. i started making salad. "are you hungry."

"sure. i should eat before the shot. what should i be expecting."

"i just felt sore all over. other then that i didn't feel sick."

"really?" he said. 

"yeah. you might be different though. my mom got super sick." i said. "i should call her at some point today. it's been a while since she left." i said looking at my phone. 

"you're just all over the place today. how much caffeine have you had?"

"uh..... 2 cups. i have a really busy day today." i said. 

"oh what are you doing today. not work anymore."

"dance. stream. grocery shopping. i need to get hair dye again." i said looking at my hair. i washed my hands and continued the salad. i chopped some vegetables. i through them in a bowl and start mixing. i made a small bowl and put a plastic over the large one. i move syks bowl over to him with a fork. i added some ranch dressing. we ate in silence. 

hours later. 

sykkuno was sick. he'll be out for days. he's not as bad as my mom or dad. "syk. i made some soup. you should eat." i said bringing the tray into the room. 

"okay. i'll try."

"i'm going to be honest. it's just the broth." i said and he took a sip from the bowl. i checked his forehead. "you still have a fever. are you sure you don't want to take meds?" i asked. 

"i'm just going to sleep it off." he said. 

"okay." i said. he placed the bowl down and lays down. "good night." i said and picked up the tray. i turned off the lights so he could sleep comfortably. i put the tray in the sink to wash them. i did the small dishes that was in the sink. i just decided to clean the whole house because it was starting to get a little messy. after i did so i go on my computer with my headphone in. i decided to just watch movies so i wasn't so loud since syk was sleeping behind me. after like 2 movies i go for a shower. then i get into bed to try and sleep. 

a week later. 

i sat on the couch with my knees up and watching movies. i was bored like crazy. lockdown was in affect and i was going crazy. sykkuno came in and sat next to me. "you're done streaming?"

"yeah. what have you been doing." he said. 

"i'm going crazy. i want to go outside and walk around."

"you want to go outside. why not just go in the backyard." he said. 

"i mean actually walk around and enjoy the sun. fresh air. just going in the backyard isn't enough." i said. 

"oh okay."

"entertain me. i'm losing it." i said.

"how do you want me to entertain you." he asked. getting uncomfortable. 

"i don't know. play guitar for me?" i asked hopefully. he thought for a moment. "oh wait is you're guitar at you're parents place."

"yeah." he said. i groaned, resting my head on his shoulder. 

"i'm bored." i whined with a pout. 

"you are losing it." he said. i looked at him. "what." i moved up to peck his lips. "what was that for." he said getting nervous. 

"i can't kiss my boyfriend?" i asked. 

"i mean you can it's just i'm not used to it." he said. i chuckled. 

"we've been dating for how long now? why are you still so nervous." i asked getting on his lap. 

"it's just- i-"

"you what." i asked. 

"i love you." he said. i smiled and leaned down to connect our lips together. 

"i love you too." i said. 

"i'm nervous." he said after a small silence. 

"don't be. we're alone." i said. i pecked his lips again. 

"what are you wanting to do?" he asked. 

"anything at this point." i said. i stood up. 

"i uh i can order something to eat."

"no. i'm not hungry. if you are you can order something." i said. i make my way to the bedroom. i planned to take a shower because it's something to do. sykkuno came in and laid down on the bed. 

"what are you doing?"

"i'm going for a shower." i said. i grabbed some clothes and made my way to the bathroom. 


that's the chapter i hope you liked it.

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