Chapter 35.) Going Forward

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Neela's 4th birthday had come and gone but the memories would stay with her forever. The newly 4-year-old had the time of her young life and enjoyed every bit of the tasty treats that Renae and Ary made her. She received over forty new toys to add to her collection but was more focused on running around with Omari and the Piglet mascot. Despite the way she felt about her sister, Ava planned to show up to the party until she received a text from Reign the second she and Lucky were out the door, telling her not to come.

Of course, Ava was slighted and wanted to ignore it but she didn't feel like causing any issues at a kid's party. Lucky was mad about the ordeal as well because he adored Neela and worked his behind off to buy the perfect gifts for her. But he understood why Reign didn't want Ava there. He would have liked if the animosity could be pushed to the side for Neela but who was he to tell a person how to run things?

The good thing about the situation, Kairo and King stopped over to drop off food and pick up the gifts. King was still upset about the whole situation but was no longer stressing himself out about the actions that a grown woman had done. Reign was his daughter but so was Ava. What Reign did was foul and he's made it clear plenty of times but had no time for the rivalry. He was tired of repeating himself and trying to find fault with his parenting skills. Hell, he raised his kids right, they just chose to do things as they saw fit.

Yae'Shawn was oblivious to Reign's and Ava's beef, as far as he knew, he thought Reign didn't invite her because of his fight with Lucky. The family could also see that Reign nor the guys told him about what she did, and they were starting to believe that she had no intentions of bringing it up. All in all, Neela had a great time as did Omari and that was all that mattered to the family.

It was July the 20th, three days later and Lucky had just got in from his lunch with Renae. He had a love for his soon-to-be in-law, but couldn't bring himself into calling her mom yet. He wasn't sure if she expected him to and he wasn't sure if he ever could. He had a mother, although she was no longer living, he had one and knew there could only be one of her.

But Renae was a kindred spirit and understood him in many ways. He definitely understood why King acted how he did when it came to her just as he understood why Dajon and Kairo acted how they did as well. She was a sweetheart and despite her past, she was full of so much love and didn't mind sharing it. She told him plenty of times that any name he decided to call her was fine so he stuck with Red. He knew what that name meant and understood the weight it held but he liked it and she seemed to not mind.

He knew off the bat he wasn't calling King pops, there were no questions about it. OG did him just fine and it obviously wasn't a bother for King either. He may not have done business under King or for him, but he was a Legend, so out of respect, King was his OG. But he wasn't certain about Renae. Maybe he would find a different name to call her, but for now, Red was fine.

"Ava?" Lucky called, walking through the house, flipping through the mail with Ace right beside him.

"In here!"

Looking around, the hall, he made a U-turn and headed toward the left end until he got to what used to be the empty room, "Wha... what is dis?" he stepped inside the now decorated room that smelled like sugar cookies and vanilla.

"Um... surprise?" she grinned awkwardly, "It's for you."

Looking around for a while, Lucky turned to her and furrowed his brows, "Why... what'd you do dis for?" he was in complete shock.

In front of him was a homemade game room. The furniture was red and black with a touchpad remote inside of the armrest. There was a footrest that matched the colors of the sofas, the sleek tiles were covered by a plush, thick, white carpet, in the corner, there was a storage center where she had all sorts of games stacked. At the bottom, there was a slim PS4 and a new X-box, headsets, and extra controllers. In front of the furniture, she had a 70-inch mounted against the wall, and under, was the desk that glowed.

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