Chapter 34.) A Step to Healing

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Construction ran into overtime than Lucky or Kairo had intended but it just helped lessen the timeframe to have the finished results. Dropping Kairo off, Lucky made his way home. Ava was curled under the blanket knocked out with the ac blaring and Ace was asleep at the foot of the bed with one ear up listening for anything that sounded like danger.

Warming up his food for dinner, Lucky sat in the dim kitchen eating while Ace made his way down and got to get his fourth meal of the day followed by apples to snack on. After washing what little dishes that were in the sink, Lucky finished the chores that Ava attempted to start until Ace stopped her while he let the puppy run around on the sandy beach for forty minutes.

Washing Ace up in his personal tub, Lucky headed into the room to prep a blunt and get into the shower. The first ten minutes, he sat on the bench smoking and sorting through his thoughts until the bathroom became foggy enough to set the tone. After spending an additional fifteen minutes cleansing, he stepped out, did his nighttime routine before climbing in bed behind Ava.

The morning of their first therapy session came quicker than the first day of school and Lucky unquestionably found himself anxious as the pair prepared for the meeting. One moment he was standing outside of the shower talking with Ava and the next moment found himself behind her with a death grip on her waist.

Ava had no idea how many times she had to tell him that she hated backshots but the way she continuously moaned, had Lucky thinking that her hate actually meant love. The way she fought him back as each thrust took her higher and higher. They were in a world that only lovers could go, where they lost themselves in finding symphony in each other.

All of her motor senses and thoughts seemed to always disperse whenever Lucky was inside of her. The only thing Ava knew and understood was their bodies undulating together in a passion her body's never known. She was burning with fire to reach her climax, and desperate for it to never end. The way Lucky's masculine build stretched out along her back as his hands explored every part of her burning flesh, had him wanting to forget about their session but knew it was something they needed.

They scent of Ava's coconut-pineapple body wash mixed with their sex lingered in the air as she moaned out his name. Lucky knew what was happening the second her body stiffened but he kept going. He was on a mission and planned to cross the finish line by any means. Pushing her head down as he thrusted faster. Possessing her body in an exhilarated manner as the many showerheads washed their passion down the drain.

Ava's eyes rolled back as she held onto the edge of the shower bench as he buried himself deeper inside her. Lucky's groans turned into deep moans of pure bliss as he quickened his pace. Ava could feel it. She was at her breaking point and had no control of the force that tore through her as her body quaked. Growing weak in the knees, she lost the arch in her back but that wasn't a hassle for Lucky as he pulled her up and gripped her neck.

"I love you," he spoke against her neck as he circled his hips.

"I knowwww!" She whimpered, grabbing ahold of his arm as her insides melted then exploded.

"Shit!" He threw his head back, "Fuck... Ava, I'm sorry."

Delirious, she had no idea what he meant until he pushed her head down and repeatedly struck her. She was stuck. Unable to move or react as he thrusted into her wetness, strike after strike. Each one growing stronger than before.


"Fuckkk... fight back!" He growled, gripping her waist.

The intensity of the session seemed to be expressing something to Ava from deep inside him. As if he wanted her to know or feel how sorry he was. She wasn't sure. Maybe still hazed. Possibly delirious but it felt as if he were apologizing when he didn't have to.

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