Guess who's back

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Hope, Josie and Lizzie had finished greeting guests and were now outside mingling with everyone. Hope had excused herself to get a drink and Lizzie was dancing with her boyfriend. Josie was standing by the tree line when she heard someone behind her. Turning around Josie looked at a man wearing a mask. "Hey Little Saltzman". Josie instantly recognized the Voice "Kai". Kai dropped the mask before waving at Josie "Hi". Josie was frozen to the spot with fear as Kai Smirked at her and began talking "Did you miss me? Actually scrap that, Of course you did. I bet your wondering why I'm here. Well let me answer that for you. I am here, To remind you, of how much fun you had killing, torturing, Maiming, Do you remember that?" Josie just stood still frozen without speaking causing Kai to laugh "Awh. no answer? Oh well. Anyway I want to convince you to come back to my side". Josie finally managed to speak "Never". Kai smirked again looking around "And why not? because of your girlfriend? your sister? maybe even your mother and father? I think it's time to realise that none of them care about you. None of them will ever truly accept you for who you are, Unlike me. I know what your capable of, I've seen it". Josie shook her head "Your lying, They love me regardless of who I am. I will never Join you Kai". Kai chuckled again as he raised his mask to his face "You will see things my way soon enough niece". 

Kai disappeared into the woods and Josie just stood staring in the direction he had left. Josie was unsure how long she had been staring into the trees but she snapped out of it when she felt a hand on the bottom of her back. Josie Jumped away from the touch and turned around to see Hope staring at her confused "Jo, Baby, What's up?"  Josie looked at Hope and instantly started crying, Hope was quick by her side as she pulled her into her hug rubbing calming circles on her back. After a few minutes Josie finally calmed down and Hope asked once again what was wrong. Josie looked at Hope as she began talking "Kai was here, He was telling me he wanted me to join him again. That none of you really accepted me for what I am now. He said I will see things from his side soon. I don't think that's the last I'm going to see of him Hope".  Hope just held Josie as she began talking "Okay Jo listen to me, You are nothing Like Kai, We all love you no matter what. I promise I won't Let Kai touch you. He will never set Foot here again If I catch him. But we need to tell your father, Mother and Lizzie. For there protection to". 

Josie nodded as she looked around the party "Can we tell them tomorrow? I want them to enjoy themselves. This is the first party they have hosted since my disappearance". Hope nodded as she kissed Josie on the head "Okay baby, Do you want to stay here? Or we can sneak off to your room and watch some trashy show with snacks?" Josie smiled lightly "I wanna go to my room". Hope smiled as she took Josie's hand "Okay baby, lets go". Josie and Hope made there way through the party until they got to Josie's room. Walking in Josie sat down and took her shoes off before grabbing some comfy pyjamas out of her drawer. Hope was quick to follow as she removed her shoes to and Grabbed some of her pyjamas. Hope and Josie got changed and Josie got in bed while Hope did a snack run. Josie was on high alert due to Kai's appearance but was grateful that she had Hope with her. 

Hope returned with a variety of Josie's favourite snacks. She dropped them on the bed before Joining Josie under the cover. Josie cuddled up to Hope and they laid there watching a show, Neither of them wanting to move. At some point they must have fallen asleep as they both woke up to a loud bang outside. Hope was the first up to investigate. Hope vamped to the window looking out of it To see if she could spot anything but she couldn't. Turning to Josie Hope spoke "Wait here, I'll Go see if everything's okay". Josie nodded as Hope opened her window jumping out of it. Hope was looking around the premises when she spotted A body on the floor. Hope Vamped over to see who it was but was extremely surprised to see Jade. Hope knelt down but it wasn't until she was closer that she could see her body was desiccated and there was a stake in her heart. Hope frowned when she noticed something white wrapped around the handle. Unwrapping it she saw it was a note and began reading

Dearest Niece or whomever this may find.

I thought I would show you some good faith by killing the person that turned you

I know that you don't want to Join me but I assure you its in your best interests.

The more you refuse and fight me the More people who will die. 

If you think one dead body is bad, I will stack them up every night until you decided to Join me.

Your uncle Kai .

Hope frowned as she read the note. Standing up she picked up Jade's body before walking to the back yard. Hope dug a grave and put Jade in it before filling it back in. Once she was done she headed back into the house to see if Josie was okay. 

Josie was sitting on her bed awaiting Hope to come back when finally the girl vamped through her window. "Did you find anything?" Hope frowned as she sat next to Josie "I'm sorry Jo. It was Kai, He killed Jade. He must have thrown something at the window Hoping you would find her". Josie shook her head and stood up "Hope, What If Kai try's to kill Lizzie, Or my dad? or my mum? I can't protect everyone at Once. Hope stood up pulling Josie into a hug "We will figure it out baby. I promise". 

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