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Josie Was sitting In a familiar house with Kai and Jade. She was  currently feeding off of someone when Jade spoke "You could have been more subtle last night you two". Josie pulled away from the body and pushed it on the floor watching it fall before looking at Jade "Your kidding right? Subtlety isn't our family's strong point". Kai laughed behind Josie as he walked up putting his arm over Josie's shoulder "She had a point, our family have a long history of causing scenes. Oh wait, that's just me". Kai laughed and Jade sighed before talking "I'm just saying your going to get us caught". This time Josie laughed as she spoke "Who cares, there's two heretics here what can they possibly do to us?" Jade sighed again as she sat down "kill us". Kai smiled as he spoke "They can try. I know myself Josette is to stubborn to die, I've tried it once. And as for me I'm a survivor, you should know that with the amount of times you hunted me in the prison world". Jade just nodded "Yeah".

Josie dropped onto the sofa and turned the TV on watching the news. Turning to Kai and Jade she spoke "Oh look, were famous". Kai sat next to her and sat listening to the reporter while Jade had left to sit in the kitchen. Kai turned to Josie and smiled "I proud of you little Saltzman, I'm almost glad I didn't kill you. Otherwise I wouldn't have my little partner in crime". Josie smiled as she leaned back "What can I say, being your niece finally paid off". Kai tapped her arm as he spoke "What did I tell you all them months ago while torturing you? It's your destiny to be psychotic like me". Josie laughed and nodded "I always thought it would be Lizzie". Kai shook his head "Let me explain why I Didn't choose Lizzie. Yes Lizzie is unstable and would be a good choice. But she's pure with good  intentions, However, although you can be a selfless, loving person. You have a dark side no one but me could comprehend. I was watching you with Jade for months, I saw what you did in the Cafe with the waitress the day you were on a date and I was impressed". Josie smiled and nodded "I can't even remember who I was on a date with". Kai laughed as he spoke "It doesn't matter". Josie just shrugged as she grinned "Your right, because now. I can have anyone I want".

Kai laughed as he stood up "Exactly". Josie smiled as she also stood up and followed Kai into the Kitchen where Jade was sitting "So where would you like to hunt tonight?" Jade looked at Josie confused "I thought you called the shots of where we hunted". Josie smiled and laughed as she walked a little closer to Jade brushing some hair out of her face "My dearest Jade, I'm asking you to pick tonight. Consider it a date". Kai sat across from then and grinned wickedly "See Jade I keep my Promises. Josie is all yours. Take the opportunity". Jade looked at Josie and smiled Lightly. She had teamed up with Kai just so that she could get Josie to be with her, but she didn't know what Kai would turn Josie into and Jade hated it. She hated how evil and cruel Josie had become, Jade had watched her tear through a home and kill everyone inside with no remorse. She had watched Her and Kai torture people just because they were angry with them. She had watched as Kai corrupted and manipulated Josie more and more every day and she hated herself for what she had allowed Josie to become.

Jade forced a smile as she spoke to Josie How about we hunt at the bar on the edge of town? Josie grinned and looked at her uncle "How about that. We can feed and have a party". Kai grinned and nodded "Oh, this is going to be exciting". Josie grinned and nodded "Indeed it is".

(Time Skip)

Josie, Kai and Jade pulled up outside the bar on the edge of the mystic falls town. Climbing out the car they walked in and saw it had quite a few people in. Grinning Kai walked over to the bar and climbed on top of it before he began calling for everyone's attention. While he did that Josie put a spell around the bar to stop people escaping or entering. Once it was done she turned to Kai and listened as he spoke "Everyone, Hi, I'm Kai Parker. To my left by the door Is Josette Saltzman my niece and behind you is Jade, my nieces girlfriend. Now, we came here to have a party and we invite you all to party with us. Actually no, I don't invite you to party with us. You will party with us". Kai was cut off when some guy from across the room called out "What if we chose not to". Kai laughed and Looked at him before raising his hand and twisting it and almost instantly the guy fell to the floor dead. Everyone began panicking and one ran to the door but Josie vamped in his way and grabbed him around the throat "I don't think so". She then threw him to the ground and smiled.

Everyone looked back at Kai who was just standing and watching "Did I mention you will die if you don't comply?" Everyone seemed scared and those who had dared to stand up went and sat back in their seats. "That's more like it. Now we are celebrating the fact that after almost a year. I have returned to mystic falls. I know right, This place must have missed me. Now Lets Party shall we?" Kai Jumped off the counter and Josie smiled as she walked over to the bartender compelling him "Keep the drinks coming and put some music on". The bartender nodded and walked over to some speakers and putting some music on. Once he was done he walked over to the bar and began pouring Josie and Kai some shots each. Jade was currently sitting at the back of the bar watching as Kai and Josie took shots then stood up. Kai was currently compelling everyone in the bar to party and not to panic about anything while Josie just walked over to a table with a young girl about their age before offering her hand out to the girl and asking her to dance. The girl refused at first but Josie clearly compelled her and soon she was dancing with her. Halfway through the dance Josie spun the girl into her before planting her teeth in the girls neck, She then dropped her and stepped over the body like it was nothing before going to sit with Kai who was now done compelling everyone and was currently with two other girls. 

Jade walked over to the girl that Josie had killed before using her Finger to write the words Mystic Fall's Grill on the girls arm. She had been using Josie and Kai's victims to leave messages In Hope's that They would be found by anyone who could potentially stop the duo of heretics. Once she was done she heard Josie call out to her "Jade, Come and Join us". Jade sighed and stood up walking over to the table and sitting down "What's up Jo?" Josie just smiled as she leaned in and Kissed Jade "Have a snack". Josie turned and pulled a girl across the table and held her there with her neck exposed. Jade felt the veins pulse as she looked at Josie and then sunk her teeth in the girls neck. Once she was done Josie pulled the girl back across the table before leaning her up against the back of the seat and turning back to Jade.

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