Sent away

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Josie Looked at Hope then at Lizzie "Jo?" Josie Looked back at Hope confused "Hope, What did you do? Why am I suddenly remembering things?" Hope smiled lightly before talking "Your uncle Kai put a mind block in place when he took you. He took all your memories of me". Josie swallowed as she climbed off of her bed "No, This is all wrong". Hope looked at Josie confused "What do you mean? you remember That I love You, All the things we did the dates the trips the first time we met How is that wrong?" Josie looked at Her emotionlessly as she spoke "You cannot Love me Hope. Do you know what I have done? I'm evil, I have killed people I have tortured people". Hope walked a little bit closer to Josie "Jo, We have all done Horrible things to people before. That doesn't make you a monster or A Villain or evil. It makes you human". Josie Vamped over to her throwing her into the wall "There is Noting Human About me Hope. I don't give a fuck what memories you have unlocked or what we have done before I don't care". Hope stood up "Yes you do. Your just scared because you know the second you Flip that switch everything you have felt will come crashing down on you at once. But it's Okay Josie, Because you will have me". 

Josie shook her head "No, I have no one. And I'm not scared. I'm not anything". Hope went to talk when Lizzie spoke from behind her "So you want to live the rest of your immortal life numb? Feeling No Love? No Happiness? Is that what you want?" Josie just looked at Lizzie and smirked "Now your starting to get it". Josie Vamped Over to Lizzie and wrapped her arm around her neck and began strangling her when Hope spoke again "Jo, Stop. Your going to kill her". Josie just shrugged as she held tighter. Hope was about to vamp over to her and stop her when she saw Alaric in the doorway Holding an ascendant "I'm Sorry Hope". Hope went to Vamp forward when she spotted Bonnie Bennett standing behind him. Bonnie chanted something causing Hope to be unable to move Before Jade Vamped in and tackled Josie to the floor Causing her to release her grip on Lizzie. 

Jade held Josie down as she looked at Alaric and Bonnie "Hurry up and do it". Bonnie looked at Jade and Josie before she began chanting again And then in a flash of Light they were both gone. Hope screamed out as Bonnie released the spell and fell to the floor crying. After a few Minutes Hope heard Alaric speak "I'm sorry Hope, but it's only temporary until we can find a way to get her humanity back. Kai has twisted her, it won't be easy". Hope felt like she had lost everything in this moment. She had searched 11 Months to find her girlfriend. Only for her to be sent away when she did, Hope finally broke, Looking up at Alaric her eyes shone gold as she grabbed him and threw Him into a wall "You have just made the biggest mistake of your Life. I am Going to make your Life Nothing But Pain". Hope went to grab him again when Bonnie chanted and once again Hope was stuck. 

Hope had been removed from the house by Alaric before Bonnie and Lizzie put up a barrier spell. Once it was in place Bonnie released Hope who instantly tried to get in the house, but was unsuccessful. Growling Hope stared at Alaric her eyes bright gold "Fine, If I have to play evil until you bring Josie back. I will, You have just signed this towns death wish Mr. Saltzman". Hope walked to her car and climbed in before starting it and speeding off in the direction of the town. 

Once Hope reached the town she headed to the grill that was now back up and running thanks to the sheriff. Walking in she headed over to the bar and compelled the bartender to pour her some shots and told him to keep them coming. Hope sat drinking ad stacking her glasses up in a pyramid when she heard a familiar Voice "Hope, are you okay?" Hope turned and looked at Landon grinning "I'm great". Hope then vamped off of her chair and sunk her teeth into his neck. Everyone started panicking but Hope just laughed as she rampaged through the grill. She knew that Alaric would find out what she had done and knew that he would have no choice but to bring Josie back to protect the town. 

After clearing out the grill, Hope headed home. Walking  in she was instantly stopped by her aunt Freya "Hope, why are you covered in blood?" Hope smirked as she spoke "I got hungry". Freya looked at her Angrily before speaking "Hope, we have talked about this, you can't feed on people". Hope started laughing and Freya began to feel concerned "I can do what I want". Freya frowned at Hope "Hope what's going on with you?" Hope smiled as she spoke "Nothing, I'm good". Freya shook her head "No your not". Hope just smiled as she began walking upstairs to her room "I don't have a care in the world aunt Freya". It was after this comment that Freya finally understood grabbing her phone out her pocket,  she called Keelin "Hey babe, we have a problem". Keelin quickly excused herself from her co - workers as she headed somewhere more private "What's the problem love?" Freya swallowed as she answered "I think our niece has turned her humanity off". Keelin swore down the phone before telling Freya she would be Home shortly. Leaving the room she was in, She told her work she had a family emergency before leaving and heading back to the Mikaelson mansion.

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