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Hope was sitting in her room, Since Josie's disappearance almost a year ago she never left it. She had become reserved, Quiet and A loner. She barely spoke to anyone, not even her aunts and the only time she was seen was when she was getting blood, had been forced to have dinner with her aunts or when she was at the Saltzman estate following a lead with Alaric, Caroline and Lizzie. Hope was currently scrolling through old messages between her and Josie when her phone began ringing. Hope looked at the caller I.D seeing it was Lizzie,  Answering it Hope spoke "Hello". Hope listened as Lizzie spoke "Turn the news on". Hope grabbed her remote and put the news on 

Another Mysterious string of animal attacks has been reported in Mystic falls. There were body's found and it is reported that all of them suffered extreme blood loss. This is the third attack in the last week and it seems to be making its way closer to the town. It is suggested that unless you really need to be out late that you should not leave your houses at night until the animal or animals are found and dealt with. 

Hope raised her eyebrow as she spoke to Lizzie "Could it be Kai?" Lizzie sighed down the phone "We don't know, But my dad and mum are currently at the sheriff's office getting as much information as they can". Hope nodded to herself as she spoke "Okay, I'll be over soon". The girls both said bye before Hope got off her bed and got dressed. She then headed downstairs and grabbed her keys before heading out and driving to the Saltzman's. 

Hope pulled up At the same time Alaric and Caroline did. Climbing out her car she walked over to them "What did you find out?" Alaric got out with Caroline before talking "We will discuss it in my office". Hope nodded and followed them in and through the house to Alaric's office. Lizzie was already waiting in there for them and as soon as they entered she looked at them "Well, Anything?" Alaric sat as his desk as he spoke "It wasn't an animal attack. It was vampires. They said it was at least two of them with the amount of damage that was done. But even If we find that It is Kai and Jade, We can's guarantee we will find Josie. We have to consider all our options. It's been almost a year. We don't even know if she's still alive". Hope growled after Alaric said that her eyes flashing gold "She's alive. She has to be". Alaric frowned as Caroline spoke "We are going to the scenes later tonight when the police have left to see if we can find anything they may have missed". Hope nodded "I'm coming to". Caroline nodded and smiled lightly at her. "Of course". 

(Time skip)

It was now night time and Caroline pulled up outside the first crime scene with Hope while Alaric and Lizzie went to the second one. Climbing out the car They walked over to the house and instantly the smell of blood hit their noses. Walking in they walked into the front room seeing two dead bodies on the sofa. They then headed to the kitchen but that was empty, Turing and walking out the kitchen they walked upstairs and spotted another body on the bed. Caroline walked over to it with Hope and examined it before frowning. Hope noticed and Looked at Caroline "What?" Caroline turned to Hope "Look". Hope looked at the neck and saw a trail of blood leading down to the body's arm. Following it she noticed something written on the arm in blood Turning it to get a better looked she looked at Caroline "Kai". Caroline nodded "Yep". Caroline ad Hope exited the house and called Alaric, On the second ring he picked up "Hello, Did you find something?" Caroline nodded to herself "Yeah, We found Kai's name written in blood on one of the victims arms". Alaric sighed down the Phone "So He's back. We need to find him and Find out what he's done with Josie". Caroline agreed and they had decided to meet back at the Saltzman's House.

They were all in the Offices going through the reports and tagging Locations where the next possible attack could be. So far they had found no pattern but they did know that they were getting closer to town. They figured that If Kai really was back he would be staying close to or in mystic falls so they were also trying to find a possible location where her would be staying.  Hope and Lizzie had circled 3 Abandoned house's close to each crime scene an they were planning to check them out when it was morning. Hope was staying over night at The Saltzman's House so she could be up early to go with Lizzie. Walking through the halls Hope entered Josie's room and walked over to her bed laying down. She loved being in her girlfriends room as it reminded her of there time together before she went missing. Hope Just Laid in Josie's bed crying wishing that her girlfriend was here with her. 

Hope woke when she heard Her alarm on her phone going off, sitting up she rubbed her eyes and turned the alarm off. Climbing out of bed decided to throw some of Josie's clothes on before she headed downstairs to meet Lizzie by her car. Hope walked out and over to her car unlocking it and greeting Lizzie. Lizzie climbed in and Checked the map before showing Hope which House they were going to search Hope nodded as she began driving out of The Saltzman estate and to the first abandoned House. hoping that It would lead them in the direction of Josie. 

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