Clue pt 2

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Josie was leaning in the booth drinking whiskey while talking to Kai. There were now at least 7 dead people and One that Kai had compelled to clean up the blood. Jade was sitting next to Josie silently as she Observed the girl. She was regretting every part that she had played in Kai's plan since her Humanity had forced itself on a few months ago while watching Josie get tortured. Yes she had wanted Josie desperately, But not like this. This version of Josie was Dark, psychotic and exactly What Kai had wanted. But the real Josie, The Josie who Felt emotions Was The most Loving and selfless person she had ever known. Jade hated herself for what she had done but Was trying her best to clean up the mess. She had Suggested that they feed at Mystic falls grill tomorrow night so Hopefully someone would turn up and stop them thanks to the hint from her. Jade had considered going Directly to the Saltzman's and telling them everything, but she knew that they would kill her or send her back to the prison world. 

Luckily Kai and Josie had agreed to go to the mystic falls grill and Jade felt like that was the first step to getting Josie back. It was now easily 3 am and Josie Stood up Looking at her uncle "We should go back to our home, But lets grab some snacks first. Kai smiled and called 3 people over compelling each of them to come with them. They nodded and Josie Lifted the spell before they all headed out. They all Climbed in the car But there was one to Many so Josie had them sit on her lap. They pulled up at the old house and climbed out before heading inside with there snacks. As soon as they were inside Kai cast a cloaking spell and they headed off to do their own things. Kai went to the basement to work on his plan of killing or turning the last member of the Gemini coven, aka Lizzie. Josie headed up to bed, Jade was sitting in the kitchen thinking of a way to ensure that Kai's Plan failed and Josie got her emotions back and The people that Kai had compelled were currently sitting in the living room where Kai had trapped them with a spell. 

Hope woke up to Lizzie shaking her "What do you want?" Since there search yesterday had been unsuccessful Hope had been In Josie's room working on a new way to track the trio and must have fallen asleep. Lizzie Frowned as she turned the television on Hope Listened yet again as another news report sounded out

At least 7 People were found dead with 3 people reported missing this morning in the local bar on the edge of mystic falls. Police have been searching for the missing people but have so far been unsuccessful. The deaths have been linked to the animal attacks over the last week and it seems that it may have become trapped and disoriented inside the pub last night. Once again each victim died of extreme blood loss and it is becoming more of a threat each day so yet again it is recommended that you stay inside at night for your own safety. 

Hope turned the television off throwing the remote across the room and growling "where are they". Lizzie grabbed Hope hand and started talking "Hey Hope, Calm down. Dad and Caroline are at the scene now getting information, Were getting closer". Hope sighed as she looked at Lizzie "I hope so". Lizzie smiled lightly when they heard a knock at the door. "Who is it?" The door opened slightly revealing a maid "Miss Mikaelson, Miss Saltzman, Mr. Saltzman requires you in his office". Hope and Lizzie looked at each other both thanking the maid before they headed to Alaric's office. Walking in they saw Him standing with Caroline "You wanted to see us?" Alaric nodded as he began speaking "We have a lead, Mystic Falls Grill. It was found written in blood on a victims arm, We are going to head there shortly and keep an eye on area To see if Kai turns up". Hope nodded and so did Lizzie "We're coming". Alaric and Caroline nodded "Of course but we need you to stay vigilant. We don't want anything happening to either of you". Hope and Lizzie nodded once again "Of course". 

(Short time skip)

Hope, Alaric, Lizzie and Caroline were surrounding the grill. Watching from a distance. So far nothing had happened and it was starting to get Late. After another 10 minutes of waiting They finally saw a car pull up. Hope was first to notice who climbed out of it "It's Josie". Hope went to get out the car but Lizzie grabbed her "Hope, No. Look". Hope watched as Jade climbed out behind Josie and wrapped her arm around her waist, then Kai climb out behind them smiling. Hope felt her heart constrict as she watched Josie casually walk past someone and grab them by the throat dragging them in to grill. Hope Looked at Lizzie with mixed emotion's "What the fuck is going on?" Lizzie and Hope climbed out the car and walked a little closer so they could see through the window. 

Hope and Lizzie watched as Josie and Jade stood either side of Kai "What's  he saying?" Hope focused on them so she could hear them clearly "Hi, I'm Kai, This is my niece Josie and her girlfriend Jade. Now I know what your thinking, Why so we need to know right? Well truth is, I would like you to know the names of the People who are about to kill you". Hope watched as some of the people tried running and but stopped at the door trapped almost by and Invisible barrier. She watched as Josie and Kai sat laughing with each other about it and felt like all the air had been taken from her lungs as Josie grabbed one of the people digging her teeth into her throat before practically ripping it out. Lizzie looked away gagging and Hope felt tears begin to stream down her face. "What the fuck has happened to my sister?" Hope turned and sat down leaning against the wall as she wiped her face "I don't Know. But I'm going to Find out". Before Lizzie Got a chance to Stop Hope she had already stood up and kicked the doors open catching everyone's attention.

"Josie!" Hope watched as Josie stood up and looked at her with a evil grin and blood dripping down her chin onto her top "What the hell do you want?" Hope looked at her confused as she answered "I want to know where you have been the past 11 months, I want to know why your doing this? What happened to you Jo?". Josie still stood looking at her confused "We have never spoken Before, So I'll ask again. What the hell are you doing here?"

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