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Hope and Josie were in the grill eating  and conversing. When there was a voice behind them. "Mind if I join you?" Hope looked around as did Josie as they locked eyes with Jade. Hope nodded and Jade walked to the table sitting down. "How are you both?" Hope smiled lightly and answered "I'm good, thank you". Jade looked at Josie who also smiled lightly "I'm fine". Jade smiled at them both before turning her attention to Josie "How are your nightmares?" Josie just shrugged as she answered "still there. But Hope has offered to help me".

Jade looked at Hope smiling "What do you do to help?"  Hope just looked at Jade "I used the same method you used". Jade nodded when Josie spoke from across the table "You used to do that?" Jade smiled lightly and nodded "Yes". Josie felt confused but had to ask "Why did you help me?" Jade fell silent then looked at Hope before she started talking "When kai used to torture you it used to hurt me more than anything. All I wanted to do was help and get you out of there but I know if I did Kai would have killed me. So every chance I got I did what I could to help. You were out of it most of the time so  never really noticed".

Josie smiled lightly at Jade before leaning over and gently taking Jades hand "Thank you Jade". Jade looked down at her hand intertwined with Josie's "Any time Jo". Josie and Jade sat looking at eachother for a minute before Hope cleared her throat. Josie and Jade snapped out of it and Josie recoiled her hand Quickly.

Jade felt the tension rise at the table and stood up "Anyway, I best be going. Got some stuff to do". Josie nodded and said bye as Jade left. Once Jade was Gone Hope spoke "So, you two seem friendly". Josie looked at Hope and raised her eyebrow "Do I sense Jealousy?" Hope looked away and Josie giggled a little bit "Hope, you have no reason to be Jealous, I love you". Hope smiled lightly as she locked eyes with Josie "I love you to Jo".

After Hope and Josie had finished lunch they decided to head to Hopes place. Hope and Josie headed down to the lake on Hope's property. Once they got there they both sat at the edge of the lake. Hope was paddling While Josie was sunbathing. After about 30 minutes Hope and Josie's Phones Pinged simultaneously. Hope pulled her Phone out and Josie sat up grabbing hers. They both saw they had a message from Lizzie.


Lizzie: Hey, party tonight at the Saltzman estate. Dad told me to let you both know.

(End message)

Hope looked at Josie who sighed "Seriously, I cant be bothered to go" . Hope laughed a little before talking. "How about, we show our faces. Say hi, then ditch?" Josie laughed lightly at Hope "Sounds like it could work". Hope smiled as she checked the time. "We should head back to yours and get ready". Josie sighed again before standing up "Fine, but I'm hungry". Hope nodded as she took Josie's hand "We can grab some blood from mine before we head off".

Josie pouted at Hope "But Hope I want warm, fresh blood". Hope sighed before looking around "Want to learn how to hunt deer?" Josie smiled lightly "Depends, what would I need a deer for?" Hope giggled a little bit before she began leading Josie into the woods. "A snack of course". Josie followed Hope until they finally stumbled upon a deer. Hope crouched down hiding as did Josie. Hope watched it carefully before speaking to Josie "Right, you need to stay as silent and as low as you can. Sneak up as close as you can get then use your vampire speed and strength to take it down". Josie looked at the deer then did exactly what Hope said. Surprisingly Josie managed to do it first time. 

Once Josie had finished drinking she looked at Hope who was watching her smiling lightly "I feel like I just murdered Bambi". Hope began laughing as she looked at Josie's serious expression.  After a few minutes Hope stopped and looked back at Josie who wasn't amused "It's not funny Hope". Hope cleared her throat as she began talking "Ehem, No, It's not funny. Its okay. Circle of life and everything". Josie stood up punching Hope on the arm "A Disney pun? really?" Hope just giggled as she spoke again "Sorry Jo, I couldn't help it". Josie shook her head and smiled lightly at Hope "We should go and get ready for tonight". Hope nodded as she took Josie's hand. "Indeed". 

Hope and Josie Finally reached the Saltzman estate. Driving up the drive they parked in Hopes usual spot. Hope and Josie climbed out of the car When Lizzie came running down the stairs "Finally, we need to get you both ready, were going to run out of time". Hope and Josie rolled their eyes as Lizzie grabbed there hands and began dragging them into the house. 

Hope, Josie and Lizzie spent the remainder of the afternoon getting ready. Hope and Josie had found out it was a masquerade party so they were now looking even less forward to attending it. Finally after hours of getting ready Alaric finally entered their room "Girls, It's time, I need you downstairs greeting the guests for me. Send them to the grand hall". Lizzie smiled excitedly before turning to Hope and Josie "Time to party". Hope rolled her eyes as she began following Lizzie out "Actually, time to make small talk with mind numbingly boring people". Lizzie sighed as she opened the door "Always a party killer Mikealson". Hope laughed a little "Well I have to keep my reputation up". Lizzie laughed a little as she turned around, She then stood next to Hope and Josie as they all began welcoming the guests.

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