What should I do?

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Josie and Hope were on their way to Hopes so that she could get some of her stuff. Hope climbed out the car with Josie and headed towards her house. Hope walked in and called through the house "Hey, aunt Freya, aunt Keelin". Freya and Keelin called back through the house and Hope smiled where as Josie just looked at Hope confused "They usually greet you". Hope smiled lightly "I may have made them mad. I got your sister to siphon my aunts spell so that I could get out of the mansion". Josie looked at her weirdly "Why couldn't you just walk out?" Hope cleared her throat "I may have gone slightly off the rails the night your dad sent you away". Josie looked at her questioningly "What did you do?" Hope looked away then looked back at Josie "I attacked Landon and everyone who was in the grill that night". Josie was silent for a moment before taking Hope's hand "Its okay, I mean it was dumb, but it will be okay". Hope smiled as she leaned in and kissed Josie "Its me thats meant to be reassuring you babe". Josie just smiled as she took Hope's hand "Let's go get your stuff. Do your aunts know that you are staying with me for a while?". Hope nodded and they both headed upstairs to get some stuff.

After about an hour Hope had a few bags of stuff packed. She was currently carrying them to her car with the help of Josie when Her aunts walked out of the front room "Would you like some help girls?" Hope smiled lightly and shook her head "No thank you, but thanks for asking". Freya and Keelin nodded and Freya grabbed the door and opened it for Hope. Hope smiled and thanked her aunt along with Josie before they headed to Hope's car and put her bags in the boot. Once the boot was full Hope Turned to her aunts who were now standing at the front door to the Mikaelson mansion "I'll move back once everything has calmed down please don't let anyone in my room or move it around" Keelin and Freya nodded "Don't worry no one will touch anything". Hope smiled and Hugged her aunts before turning around and heading to her car where Josie was already seated in the passenger seat. Climbing in Hope started the car and they headed back tot the Saltzman's estate.

Hope and Josie pulled up on the drive and were greeted by Lizzie and MG. MG vamped to Josie's side of the car and opened it before pulling her into a hug "Jo, I'm Glad your back. It sucked with you not being here, everyone was really worried about you". Josie smiled as she hugged MG back "Thanks, But I'm back now". MG nodded and stepped back soo that Josie could get out of the car. Josie got out and walked around the side of it before opening the boot and grabbing her bags, Hope had also grabbed hers and they headed into the Saltzman house.

(Time skip)

Hope had unpacked now and was Laying on Josie's bed with her. They were just cuddling and talking when there was a knock at the door. Hope called out for them to enter and soon a maid stood in the doorway "Miss Saltzman, Miss Mikaelson, You presence in requested for dinner". Hope smiled and thanked the maid before turning to Josie "We may need to compel the maid's into letting us freely drink blood". Josie smiled at Hope "Already done. MG did it for me". Hope smiled as she climbed off of Josie's bed "Good, Now shall we go to dinner?" Josie nodded ad smiled as she got up, "Yeah".

Hope and Josie had finished dinner about an hour ago, and surprisingly for both of them it actually went smoothly. Hope was now laying watching a film while Josie was asleep but was soon made jump when Josie sat up and screamed like she had done the night before. Hope grabbed Josie who recoiled but she managed to pull her into her chest as she began speaking softly "Jo, hey, it's me calm down I'm right here. shhh". After a minute or two Josie had finally calmed down and Hope looked at her "Another nightmare?" Josie nodded as her tears ran down her face and Hope was quick to wipe them away. "Talk to me about it love, What happened?" Josie shook her head at Hope "I don't want to talk about it". Hope sighed as she moved some hair from Josie's face "You need to talk to someone, you can't keep suffering in silence". Josie frowned and nodded "Okay, fine. I'll speak to a therapist". Hope nodded as s he climbed out of bed "Okay that's good". Hope walked over to one of Josie's drawers and pulled out a top before walking back over to Josie "Arms up love, we need to change your top, It's covered in sweat". Josie nodded and removed her shirt before Hope put the fresh one on her and climbed back in bed next to her "You should try to get back to sleep love". Josie just shook her head as she climbed out of bed "No, I'm hungry, Would you like some blood?" Hope shook her head and Josie just nodded before leaving the room.

After Josie had left Hope sat on Josie's bed deep in thought trying to figure out a way to help Josie. Reluctantly she stood up and left the room heading to Jade's. Knocking on the door she heard Jade call out for her to enter. Hope walked in and sat on the end of Jade's bed "I need your help". Jade looked at Hope questioningly before nodded slowly "Okay, with what?" Hope leaned back and sighed "I want to help Josie, She had another nightmare. I tried to get her to talk to me but she won't let me in. Any suggestions on what I could do?" Jade frowned for a moment as if deep in thought before answering "You could do what I used to do". Hope raised her eyebrow at Jade "What did you used to do?" Jade looked away almost guiltily as she spoke "I used to go into her dreams. It's intrusive but it works". Hope frowned at Jade "You think I should go into her head?" Jade shrugged and nodded "It might be the only choice you have". Hope sighed and nodded "Maybe your right".

Hosie: Everything has changedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat