What happened to Josie?

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Hope stared at Josie as tears threatened to spill down her face "I've been looking for you Josie. I've spent the past 11 months searching for you". Josie walked a little closer to her "Why? What do you want with me?" Hope shook her head "I'm your girlfriend Jo. Or I was before you went missing". Josie looked at Kai and Jade then back at Hope "I'm sorry Mikaelson. But I don't believe we have ever dated or spoken for that matter. But that's not surprising given what your family did to mine. Now the question is, should I avenge them, or just ignore you? Decisions, Decisions". Hope was about to speak again when Lizzie spoke "Jo". Josie Looked at Lizzie grinning evilly once again "Sister, How nice of you to Join me here. Kai has been waiting to see you". Kai stood up and walked next to Josie grinning "Hi Little Saltzman". Lizzie frowned as she spoke "What have you done Kai?" Kai just smiled as he wrapped his arm around Josie "Oh, Nothing. Just been hanging around with my favorite, and soon, Only Niece". Lizzie looked at Josie who was laughing with Kai "Jo, what's going on". Josie vamped closer to the entrance until she was face to face with Lizzie "Awh, don't feel bad. You were going to die anyway". 

Josie smirked as Lizzie started crying and looked at Hope "I suggest you leave Mikaelson. I don't like you". Hope felt her own tears spill as she spoke "Jo, You don't mean that". Josie just shrugged and looked at Jade "Love, Will you please start killing people Until Hope leaves?" Jade swallowed thickly as she shook her head "No Jo". Everyone's eyes were now on Jade as she Stood staring at Josie "I will not hurt innocent people anymore". Josie stared at Her with  death glare before turning to Kai "Uncle Kai. Did Jade just refuse me?" Kai looked at Her and nodded before also staring at Jade "I think she did". Kai vamped Over to her kicking her legs out from underneath her as he held her down "Would you like to do the honor my dearest niece?" Josie began stalking towards Jade when suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her head. Falling to her knees along with Kai Josie watched as Hope vamped through the door grabbing Jade before Vamping out again. As soon as the pain was Gone Josie and Kai both climbed to their feet but by the time they were steadied Hope, Lizzie and Jade had all vanished. 

Josie and Kai ran out into the car park looking around "Fucking Siphon witches, They are annoying". Josie looked at Kai "I agree. Lets just grab some people take them Home and figure out how we are Going to Torture Jade for the rest of her immortal life". Kai smirked and nodded "I like your thinking Josette". Josie smiled and nodded as she grabbed a random stranger that was running past her "your coming with me". The stranger nodded and Kai did the same thing with a random person. Once they were done they climbed into Their car and headed back to the hideout. 

Hope, Lizzie and Jade were in the back of Alaric's truck who was currently driving back to the Saltzman estate "Why did you help me?" Hope turned to stare at Jade who hadn't said anything until now "Because I have a feeling you have answers". Jade nodded and looked away But Hope continued staring at her. They soon pulled up at the Saltzman estate and Hope Grabbed Jade Dragging her out the back of the truck. She then walked her all the way to the basement training room before throwing her on the mats. Jade stood up and Looked at Lizzie who was chanting at the doorway "What's she doing?" Hope smirked "A simple spell to keep you trapped down here until you give me the answers I want". Jade nodded and Hope vamped over to her before punching her in the face Knocking her to the floor "Now tell me, What Happened to Josie. Why doesn't she remember me". Hope grabbed Jade and Pulled her up throwing her into a wall before Holding her against it by her throat. Jade Coughed a little before talking "She turned her humanity off and Kai did some sort of spell". Hope let go and Jade slid down the wall. "How? Why?" Jade forced herself to stand up "Kai forced her to". Hope punched her to the floor again "How?" Jade looked up at Hope frowning "Stop Hitting me and I'll tell you everything". Hope grabbed her and Pulled her Up and was about to speak when Lizzie spoke behind her "Hope, Let her go". Hope dropped her then turned to Lizzie who was standing in the middle of the room "She deserves to be beaten up". Lizzie nodded "I agree, But after we get answers about Josie". Lizzie then turned Looking at Jade "Now tell us. What happened to Josie?" Jade sighed as she sat on the floor and gestured for Lizzie and Hope to sit down to. Once they did she then began explaining. 


Josie woke up unsure of the day or even how long she had been held inside this cage tied to a chair. So far every day had been the same. Kai would come down force Vervain down her throat, Beat her up, Torture her try forcing her to turn her emotions off then Leave again. Josie was just sitting waiting for Kai to come back and continue torturing her when she heard the door upstairs open. Taking a deep breath Josie readied herself to Get Tortured again. Kai walked in and unlocked the cage before walking over to her with a Knife "What will it be today Kai?" Kai just laughed as he spoke "How about we try something new today". Josie frowned as Kai raised his arm and instantly Josie felt pain shooting through her head Crying out She felt tears falling down her face. Then the pain in her head was replaced by a pain in her chest as Kai shoved a dagger into her. Josie screamed again and dropped her head looking at the dagger "You know I have been doing this for Months Josette. But you can make it stop. If you turn your humanity off, You won't feel a thing. It's the best feeling in the world". Josie frowned as she Looked up at him "If its the best feeling in the world , Then why don't you turn yours off". Kai looked at her angrily before twisting the dagger and pulling it out then shoving it back in the other side. Josie screamed again as tears ran down her face "Because I don't need to. I can be evil without it, You however would never hurt someone unless you were angry. But that just won't work for me. Now dear niece I will Give you one more choice. Turn your humanity off. Or I will kill every last person that was on your Little camping trip 5 months ago". Josie looked up at Kai surprised "It's been 5 months?" Kai laughed a little as he nodded "Yes, and isn't it weird that no one has come for you yet? You don't matter to them Josie. People like us, No one cares about. We were the mistakes that nature created. The outcasts. No one Loves us Josie, No one cares about us. But we can have each other if you turn your humanity off. I will give you a chance at a real life, with a real family. Just turn it off". Josie was quiet for a moment as she thought about what Kai had said. What if he was right. She had been tortured and hurt and missing for 5 months now. But no one had come She thought about How her father had not accepted her months ago, She thought about the amount Of time's Lizzie had been chosen over her. Finally Josie broke, Looking at Kai she spoke once more "How do I do it?" Kai looked at her grinning as he spoke. "Imagine a switch, then turn it off". Josie dropped her head and closed her eyes for a moment thinking and then slowly but surely she felt her emotions disappear and she let darkness take her over. Finally A grin made its way across Josie's face as she looked up at Kai matching his evil smirk.

(End Flashback)

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