Move in

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Jade had stayed at the Saltzman residence last night but had been sealed into a room by Lizzie. Hope woke up before Josie and headed straight to Jades room, Knocking for a second she waited for an answer. After a minute or two Jade answered the door "Hope what's up? Is Josie okay?" Hope frowned and nodded "Yeah but I want to talk to you about something?" Jade nodded and sat on the bed in the spare room followed by Hope. Sitting down she turned to Jade and spoke "So last night with Josie. You seemed to know what you was doing, Is there anything you forgot to tell me about her?" Jade shook her head "No, Why?" Hope leaned back against the headboard before speaking again "Because you seemed to know what to do and she didn't jump when you touched her". Jade sighed as she spoke "That's because secretly I looked after Josie when Kai took her. After he would torture her I would always go down and help her". Hope nodded "How?" Jade continued speaking "Because Kai forced her to drink Vervain and because of the lack of blood she had, She struggled to heal with her powers. So I would go down and I would change her clothes, Feed her Blood, Keep her healthy and reassure her that she would be okay. Over time she came to trust me and she told me that she forgave me for what I did to her. She's good like that". 

Hope sat, nodded and listened she was grateful that Jade had looked after Hope but was also a little mad that her and Josie had become so close. Hope had excused herself from Jade and thanked her for talking with her. She then left The room Jade was in and headed back to Josie's room. Walking in she saw Josie awake, Josie looked up at Hope and smiled lightly before sitting up "Hope, Good morning. Are you okay?" Hope climbed  in bed with Josie and nodded "I'm fine Jo. Are you? You had a nightmare last night". Josie frowned and looked away from Hope "Yeah, I'm sorry about that". Hope gently took her girlfriends face in her hand and turned it to face her "You never have to apologise for stuff like that Okay. I love you Jo". Josie smiled lightly leaning into her girlfriend "I love you to Hope". Josie kissed Hope gently and they sat making out for a while until it started getting heated. Josie pushed Hope back and Climbed on top of her as they continued kissing, Hope put her hands around Josie's waist and run her hand up Josie's back She then Flipped Josie over with Vamp speed before removing her top. Josie ran her hands down Hope's body before leaning up and taking Hope's lips in her own. They then continued making out until There was a knock at Josie's door. Hope pulled away but Josie put her hand on the back of Hopes head pulling her close "Ignore it, they can come back". Hope grinned and Josie smiled before sitting up. She removed her own top before locking lips With Hope and pulling her back down. The kiss got even more heated as Hope ran her hand up Josie's thigh thankful the girl had gone to sleep in just some shorts. Hope ran her hand up Josie's shorts and went to go further when the door opened revealing Alaric. 

Hope quickly jumped off Josie grabbing her top and pulling it on as Josie covered herself and Alaric looked away horrified almost "Hope put your clothes on". Hope growled as she turned around "I'm sorry, I haven't seen her for a while. Plus if you knock and no one answers that doesn't mean walk in". Alaric looked up seeing both the girls now had clothes on. "To be honest, she's my daughter I get concerned so if she don't answer I'm going to walk in. And secondly I didn't expect you to both be, You know". Josie cleared her throat as she spoke "So dad, what did you want?" Alaric shook his head "Oh yeah, Erm, Kai was seen leaving mystic falls a few nights ago. We don't know where he has gone but we have put barriers up around the house and upped security as he can siphon. Also I don't want you or Lizzie going out unless you have Your bodyguards with you-". Alaric was cut off by Hope "She doesn't need a bodyguard. She has me". Alaric nodded "What about when you go home?" Hope looked at Josie then back at Alaric "Actually I was hoping I could temporarily move in here, or have Josie move in with me". Alaric looked at Hope then Josie "I guess if Josie is okay with it then that's fine. But I have also given Jade permission to move in until she finds a place. Will you both be able to be civil?" Hope frowned but nodded "Yeah, But I obviously have to speak to Josie more about this". Alaric nodded and went to speak when Josie spoke "I want you to move in here. I feel comfortable having you around, I don't want to be away from you". Hope smiled and nodded "Okay, we can go to my place later and I can grab some of my stuff". Josie nodded and smiled lightly and  and Alaric nodded to "Okay, Well I will let Lizzie and Jade know this. I will also inform the staff". Hope nodded and Alaric left. Hope turned to Josie who had began randomly giggling and smiled "What are you laughing at?" Josie looked at Hope and answered "I can't believe our first time just got interrupted". Hope nodded and sat down "I'm glad it did. I want our first time to be special. Let me take you on a date. We can go anywhere you want and do whatever you want okay?" Josie smiled and nodded "Okay".   

Hosie: Everything has changedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat