The World's Greatest Archer - Kate Bishop (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

What the fuck is he up to now? He just rescued a dog, dropped him off on his place, I presume, and now? He is sneaking into a house owned by who knows who? What-

Her train of thoughts got interrupted when Clint sprinted out of the house not too long after and run fast down the street. Y/N groaned out but moved quickly to follow him once again, pulling herself up from her crouching position and sighing in exhaustion.

Clint you owe me big time for making me do pretty much a marathon.

Y/N grunted out with fatigue but stopped abruptly and threw herself behind a car when a group of men wearing red suits cornered him. Oh fuck, not the tracksuit mafia. Clint what the fuck did you put yourself in?!

She saw him deliver a few punches and find a way out but to no avail because one of the men hit him with a bat right in his stomach, making him double over himself and grunt out in pain.

"Ouch, that must've hurt." She saw Clint defending himself really well, knocking a few thugs down but others came in quickly after. He just smashed a tall men's head on a car and Y/N flinched back, "ohw, I take that back. That must've been painful." Y/N furrowed her eyebrows when she saw Clint trying to open a car to hid in and decided to step in to help him. "Alright, time to save his ass, again." Y/N just walked behind a tracksuit thug trying to crash the window's car open and tapped him on his shoulder, causing him to turn around confusedly and she just smiled sweetly up at him, "hi." The man just growled angrily and closed his fist hard to punch her but a mist of blue surrounded him and lift him up, slamming him into the nearest wall soon after, a grunt of pain leaving his mouth once his body slumped on the curb. She bent down when another thug wanted to catch her by surprise by using the bat to hit her on her her back, causing the wooden weapon to hit the left sideview mirror, blowing it off the car, and with a flick of her hand he went flying up, landing ungraciously on his friend. She went to focus on another tracksuit thug but someone jumped on him and knocked him down in a second, swinging forward and hitting one of the man that just succeeded in smashing the car window and was trying to pull Clint out of the vehicle. When the last one laid on the ground, knocked out, the unknown man turned around and she gasped loudly in surprise. "Clint?!"

"Y/N?! What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? I'm saving you! What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be in that car!"

"What? You know I would never wear that suit again, that's in the past. That's why I came to see who is wearing it!" Clint trailed off to look in the direction of the unknown person opening the door and running away from them, causing Clint to sigh loudly and hang his head down, "speaking of which, they are trying to escape!" He went to run after them but Y/N had other plans, so he stopped half way when he saw the girl got into action.

"Oh no, they're not." Y/N's eyes lit up with blue and her powers lifted the person up in the air, watching them wiggling around as if they were trying to escape and letting them fall graciously in front of Clint's feet. He dragged the mysterious person into a dark hallway and she followed them, watching the person flailing around to try to free themselves to no avail. Clint was stronger. "Let's see who is hiding under this mask." Y/N hummed lowly as Clint slammed the person into the brick wall and slipped the mask off.

The air slipped out of Y/N's lungs completely when her eyes laid on the young girl hiding under the Ronin suit, her mouth going dry surprisingly fast and her heart speeding up worryingly when she raked her eyes over the soft and perfect features of the black haired girl's face. Y/N stop ogling, it's creepy. "You're- You're Hawkeye!" The girl exclaimed, stammering her words in surprise and staring at Clint with a mix bewilderment and awe with her mouth slightly hung open. A few seconds later her deep, blue orbs settled on Y/N's Y/E/C ones, her eyes widening more in surprise. The sight would have been funny if Y/N wasn't literally drooling over this beautiful, unknown girl that was merely gaping at her. "And you're Night Storm! Holy shit."

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