He nodded, "Well, what are we waiting for?"

They walked into the warehouse arm in arm, Marcel nodding to his wife Rebekah as they arrived.

Cassandra snapped her fingers, releasing the bastards from the disorientation spell they were under to keep them unaware of where they were and their presence.

Golzine was the first to snap out of it. "Where am I?! Who are you?! Show yourself!"

The usually calm and collected kingpin looked distraught, most likely due to the magic she had put them under that would show them their worst fears over and over again on top of the first spell.

Cassandra looked down severely at the swine where he sat on the ground after stepping out of the shadows of the dimly lit warehouse, "We are the ones who will be casting judgment upon you worthless pigs."

Arthur, being the fool he was, laughed, "'We'? Look around girly, you're the only one here."

She let her face 'vamp out' (This one actually went to Yue), grinning as she watched the scum freeze in horror.

"Oh I beg to differ, Arthur Fredrick."

She held up her hand, signaling for her family, mates and associates to leave the shadows. Her grin grew as watched the men become even more terrified at the appearance of her also vamped out allies, and taking special joy in the way certain ones turned transparent at the appearance of her mates and Griffin.

"You see, among all your horrible deeds and mistakes, there is a crucial one you should never have made. You never should have incurred the wrath of a Mikealson, because we are a force your pathetic human guns and drugs could never hope to combat."

She snapped her fingers, and like that the carnage began.

Her Aunt Freya broke the arms and legs of several unnamed men with a spell while her Uncle Kol ripped out their intestines. Her Aunt Davina used a dismemberment spell to slowly take care of about a fourth of the unnamed ones. Her father bit quite a few and infected them with werewolf venom, and her mother ripped off all of their limbs before going for the throat.

Marcel and his guys were helping her Uncle Elijah take care of the remaining unnamed scum via mauling and the removal of hearts. Her boys and Griffin, meanwhile, were tormenting Dawson, Foxx and Arthur; Shorter took Dawson, Yue took Foxx and Griffin took Arthur.

Griffin had copied what Elijah and Marcel had done to the unnamed trash with Arthur, and the bastard was already dead. Yue and Shorter, however... She never knew showing people things worse than death could be so damn hot.

Shorter was covered in the blood of Dawson. Her dragon had taken a two century old sword her father had given him earlier that day and was now twisting it in several, not vital but still very painful spots. He was torturing the piece of garbage, and after an hour of that he ran the sword right through his forehead. As he stood over the fallen corpse, covered in blood and wearing a sleeveless shirt, she thought he looked like a handsome vengeful spirit.

Yue looked just as good, stepping on the limbs of Foxx while wearing those ridiculously sharp purple heels she had bought him ("They match your eyes, at least 10 of your favorite outfits and serve as a makeshift weapon!"), laughing like a mad man while also running him through with a long wooden pole from the bottom up Vlad the impaler style. She had recommended he read Bram Stoker's 'Dracula' offhandedly due to her personal fondness for the book as well as the irony of it, and clearly that had not been a mistake.

As he finished the trash off by ripping out his heart, he got some blood splattered on his cheek, tainting his otherwise impossibly clean person. He noticed this, deliberately turned to her, wiped the blood off with his thumb and licked it off sensationally. She shuttered, they were going to have a very ruthless make out session when they got back to the penthouse, both of them and Shorter.

She then turned to the only living piece of trash left; the worst of them all, Golzine. She walked over to his visibly cowering form, and saw him attempt to steady himself when she walked over to him. He seemed to still be trying to keep his pride even in a moment like this, how detestable.

She knelt down, grabbed him by the collar and proceeded to rip out his organs one by one, until only the ones needed for him to survive for a few more hours remained. She then spent two hours casting her own, real-life version of the cruciatus curse she had created just for this moment. She grinned madly every time he squealed like a pig. After that was over, she clenched her fists at her sides and began to speak.

"Dino Golzine...", she knelt down before him until she was a foot away from his face.

"You lay upon the blood-soaked earth of your ruined empire. Children who met worse fates than death, dominions in ruin, servants destroyed- all to end the hellfire with which you sought to cover the world. A bloody conquest having consumed hundreds if not thousands. Countless people's lives razed to the ground, and a great unknown sum killed by you and you alone to strike terror into the hearts of mortal men!", she snarled out.

She picked his broken form up using one hand by his collar, raising the soon to be corpse high in the air.

"What say you?! Monster! Demon! Devil conceived by the bleakest womb! WHAT SAY YOU NOW?!" She continued, gnashing her fangs in the process.

The swine began to speak, "I-", but he didn't get to finish, for Cassandra soon ended his stain upon the earth.

"Durgh!", she exclaimed as she wrenched the filths heart out of his chest with her free hand, dropping both the corpse and the organ soon after.

With the final man dead, Cassandra rested. She turned her head up at the ceiling of the warehouse, breathing heavily with her eyes closed. It was done, her precious boys and all those other souls would finally have justice. Banana fish would also get it's justice too, if she and the copies of the files on it Yue had secretly made had anything to say about it.

She opened her eyes and walked over to her boys. When she arrived at their sides she wrapped her arms around their shoulders and took them into a three way embrace. They were the two who had suffered the most at the hands of these men out of all the people in this building; they needed this.

"That speech you made to Golzine before he died had to be one of the most attractive things you've ever done" Shorter whispered out, causing Cassandra to laugh and Yue to roll his eyes and silently agree.

After hugging in a field of corpses, something she grew up thinking was completely normal (being a Mikealson tended to skew one's view on what was 'normal' and what was something that should make you run for the hills.), she helped her parents burn the bodies, bid a affectionate farewell to her foster brother and miscellaneous Aunts and Uncles, grabbed her boys by their hands, smiled and said:

"Why don't I cook for us tonight? I know a great recipe for seafood gumbo, though I will warn you that you may lose all feeling in your tongue for the next few days."

The two looked at eac hother, turned back to her and nodded with small smiles on their faces. Cassandra grinned, knowing she had taken their minds off of things, at least for a little while.

Guess where I got the inspiration for Cassandra's speech ;)

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